Chapter 9 - I am afraid

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Xavier's POV

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Xavier's POV

I do know what came over me that I chose to sit near her from where I can definitely see her pulchritudinous face.

'Bloody hell, Xavier, how do you even know that word?'

Constantly gazing at her irresistible face is not only making me suffer but also threatening me to lunge at her any moment and kiss the fuck out of her luscious lips.

'Control yourself, X, it's not the time to get hard'

She looks so stunning today which is making me wonder if she is all glamorous for someone else. I hope the fuck not! The moment I saw her behind the window, the game was over for me. I could see the hint of agony in her eyes when she saw me with the red head. I should have never agreed with Ms. Dabbs giving me a ride. But for the obvious reason I could not decline because the last time I drove, I almost fucking died.

I am expecting some new leads from the private investigators about the accident. Speaking of the accident, a few days ago Atlas had a little head injury but thankfully no brain damage.

"Alright, since we are almost near the end of this semester, just like the last time, you guys are going to be working on group projects. This may be new to some of you therefore I suggest going through the details. Now I will be showing you the names and your designated groups.......," The professor declares reminding me why the fuck I am still in this University.

'Because you want to see your angel,' Not a lie but how do I shut down my bloody sub-consciousness?

Last year I quit a group because the members were pissing me off by making terrible decisions for the project. I had no interest so I didn't give in or try to help them.

The professor turns on the projector screen where our names are displayed. I am not even interested therefore don't even work myself up to find mine. "Oh shit!" A familiar low chuckle can be heard from the back causing me to turn to look at the culprit. Charlie looks like his veins are about to pop due to holding back his laughter. The others usher me to look at the screen.

My eyes immediately work on finding my name which is under group three but that's not what catches my attention, the name above mine does. What the fucking hell?!

"You are kidding me," I hear a low whisper from beside me. I and her cannot be on the same team, fuck no. Just as I am about to speak to the professor, he beats me to it, "And no quitting or exchanging this time," He glares right at me knowing my history of quitting groups. Remind me to snap his neck next time I see him.

For a second Madalyne and I meet our eyes. So many emotions written in her eyes but she doesn't let them reach her face. She is good at covering it. Well I guess I just have to drop Literature now.

"Each group has eight members each therefore the work should be done by, perhaps, two weeks or less.......," His words muffle in my ears as we stare at each other which doesn't last too long as she looks away.


"Looks like someone is lucky....," Joseph teases as we all get out of that damn hall. Madalyne and her friends are the first ones to leap outside. The whole hour has been so unbearable for me.

"Just shut the fuck. I literally want to drop this subject," My hand runs through my slicked hair.

"It's not fair; Thomas and Xavier are on one team. Joseph and Leo are in another then why am in a different one?" Charlie whines.

"Don't worry, you have the Valentina sisters with you," We all start laughing at Leo's words. Valentina sisters argue in Spanish all the time which can piss anyone off.

"Anyways, so who is going to whose place?"

"Sorry brother, I have already told my group to come to our place," Joseph says to his twin who looks at me with pleading eyes.

"X, everyone else in our team has dorm rooms so can we all....?"

"Fine," But then I realize, Madalyne would also be there. How will I be able to resist her while she is present around me. Can this go any harder for me?

"Cool, then- hold the fuck on. What is the project about?" Thomas wonders just like the idiot he is. We all enter the library and take the seats over the window.

"About the fucking characters from the whole book,"

"A whole fucking semester is about to pass yet I don't know who the lead character of the book is," Charlie sighs. How does he not? I didn't even show up at any lecture for the first three months yet I know better than him.

"X, are you fine with Madalyne showing up at your house?" Thomas takes me off guard with his question. No I am not because I know very well that I won't be able to control myself. However, I get the chance to see her every day and be near her.

"I don't care,"

"Alright...I have to go now so ya lads," Thomas, Joseph and Charlie exit the library, leaving me with a distracted Leo. I recall the time when the boys confessed the whole truth and Sarah had an outburst, telling us to get help.

"Are you alright? You and Sarah good?" I find myself asking. Leo sighs while shaking his head in negative.

"No and No. I fucked up horribly."

"I am listening.....," Just because I haven't forgiven him doesn't mean I would forget the friendship we have had over the years. No matter what happens, we always listen to each other because at the end we are all we have. Leo doesn't have anyone; no siblings, missing parents.

"Um- that night... uh- after your accident, I went to Sarah's house...drunk... I wanted to apologize to her for everything then I saw her with a few people.....they do group study. I began apologizing to her but she wasn't ready to listen to me. After seeing me, the others quickly left but there was this one guy who was just not ready to leave and kept threatening me to get out so I did what I shouldn't have done...........,"

"Are you for real? What did you fucking do?" I demand for him to continue.

"I smashed the bottle on his head," He covers his face with his palms, earning a few curses from me. "I am afraid that I will become like my parents.....," His eyes become glossy when he says those words.

"Don't say that brother. You are nothing like your parents," I assure him and pat his shoulder. He stays silent for a while. "Come to the headquarters with me today and get your mind off of everything," He nods, smiling and we head for our next lecture.

"I don't understand, you own such a big company but you are still here in University," Leo asks.

"I know this is stupid but I have come so far so I don't want to leave halfway but I am planning on leaving after finishing after this year," There is no point continuing this stupid thing. All of this is just a waste of time for me since I could concentrate on the company.

My phone rings, causing me to excuse myself from Leo.

"Hello, Theo?"

"I think the private investigators have found something."

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