Chapter 61- Either Both of Us or None

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Cassandra's POV 

My eyes flare open despite the bright light drizzling through the curtains. The first thing that appears in my vision is the wooden floor. Soon I come to realise and remember what happened causing me to end up on the floor.

Lifting myself off the floor, I begin to look around in haste. I rush inside the bathroom only to find it empty.

No, no, no. He can't leave me. He can't.

My eyes flicker towards the closed doors. Within a few seconds, I find myself opening the doors apart. He actually left.

I feel the blood dripping down my forehead but it's the last thing I need to worry about. He is mine!

If I lose him, I am going to hurt that slut! How dare she not want to forget my Xavier? He is mine to think about! Nobody can take him away from me. Not even her.

I make my way down the hallways, barging into each and every room. I remember screaming before I passed out; why did no one hear? I almost forget the fact that the walls of this house are sound proof.

I am scared to tell Ian that I have lost Xavier. He would absolutely kill me. I cannot tell him. One way or another I have to find Xavier before Ian comes back. He is probably out there trying to create a way to leave the UK with Madalyne.

Something about Ian just scares the shit out of me. I have no idea how he came across me. Some months ago, two men showed up at my apartment with loads of money and offered me to work with their boss. I was sceptical about the situation but still agreed.

After Xavier was discharged from the hospital on his eighteenth birthday; I went to his house in hopes of finding him there. Then I got to know that his family is the Hendrys. They were pretty renowned in the UK except for Xavier. His mother welcomed me inside and from me she got to know about his accident.

I only remember telling her about my love from Xavier. I was twenty-three back then and madly in love with him.

Where is Xavier? I make my way down the stairs, to search the previous floor. There I come across something I wish I did not.

Two guards lie still on the floor. My trembling hands check for their pulse only to find it. They are unconscious without any trace of any kind of harm or bruise on their head. They have to be injected with something.

My first doubt is Xavier but I realise that he could never find any kind of injecting stuff here. Is someone else in the house? I look up to check where the CCTV cameras are' only to find two in corners.

Have the security guards not noticed this mess? What is going on?

I open my mouth thinking about screaming for help. But resist it. If the other guards rush here and somehow realise Xavier is not here, they would definitely tell their boss. I move away from the bodies when I hear some ruffling noises.

The noise comes from the room at the end of the hallway. That must be Xavier trying to hide. I mean the only thing he can do is hide because he can never get out of here. Poor Xavier has no idea that Madalyne is right on the other side of the mansion. Good thing Ian is taking Madalyne away forever.

I push the doors open cautiously. As I enter the room, I notice an empty bottle of wine. I grab the glass bottle for protection. This time he will be one passing out.

I am sorry I have to hurt you, Xavier. But so be it. You have to be mine; even if it means hurting you. You are strong; you can take it like a good man.

The closet door is half open with light emitting from inside. Silently I walk towards and push the door wide open; ready to hit the person. But I was taken off guard when my arm was shoved away and an arm from behind me wraps around my neck, making it hard for me to breathe.

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