Bonus Chapter I

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"Did you or did you not go there to talk to Mr. Toussaint?" Madalyne says as she walks over to the window. No words come out of my mouth as I am too mesmerized by her hair flowing in the celestial breeze of Marseille.

"Xavier?!" Finally I come to some senses upon her querulous tone. What was her question again? Oh about the little meeting.

"No, love, why-," My sentence ceases upon witnessing her squinting eyes. "Fuck, yes, I did meet him-."

"I knew it! Why Xavier? Why would you?" My eyes flicker outside the window, "You know I want to do this on my own." Of course I know. After days and nights of incessant preparation in order to be selected by a company, Madalyne deserves to succeed every opportunities for her career. 

"Madalyne-," I try to hold her arms only for her to move away. Nonetheless, I speak while I look at her with guilt, "I just didn't want you to be bothered about it. I know you would get into that company whether I threaten him or not- fuck."

Her luscious eyes widen over my slip up, "You threatened him?! Xavier, what the fuck? Why- I didn't work this hard only for you to make it easier for me like that." She leans against the window, looking outside and upset.

I fucked up.

I just wanted to help.

But I fucked up bad.

"I'm sorry, love. I'll go there and apologize to him and take back my words, I promise." With that I retreat myself and head out. As I leave, I can feel her intense gaze upon me.


After the infuriating meeting where I had to reluctantly apologize to the head of the company, I left for home in my Ford.

It's been a year and a half since we left the UK, almost two years since all the tremendous chaos occurred. From Madalyne graduating early to us moving to France, all occurred within a blink of an eye. Leaving family and friends behind in the UK was difficult, especially for Madalyne given that her and her friends had a hard time to let each other go during departure.

To my dismay, Theo, my elder brother, had to stay back with his son and his fiancée while Atlas is here with Madalyne and I. Atlas, at first, was reluctant to come to France with us; however, Madalyne somehow managed to persuade him to come. She didn't want him to be alone back in the UK at all.

On my way, I pull over in front of the institute where my younger brother is continuing his studies. There stands Atlas with one of his arms securing the books while the other is lifted in order to check the time.

As he awaits by the gates, his classmates pass greetings every now and then. This makes me nothing but proud; how he is deliberately overcoming his social insecurities. The man catches a glimpse of my car and immediately runs over and gets in.

"How was the day? How were the classes," The questions roll out of my mouth before I accelerate the car.

"Classes nowadays make me suffocate, and there is this professor who makes me want to drop the subject!" Atlas grumbles, flinging the heavy books in the back seat.

"Tell me about it," Upon his words, certain images of agonizing lectures trickle through my mind, as I let out a low chuckle. Everyone and their mothers know how much I used to hate lectures and classes. Never understood how Madalyne tolerates them.

All of a sudden my phone vibrates causing me to take it out and check at a glance.

Madalyne: Don't forget to pick up Atlas.

And nothing else.

I quickly put away the device and concentrate on driving while Atlas and I fall into a light conversation. Upon scrutinizing the weather, I roll down the windows as a serene breeze flows through.

It's almost evening as the sun almost touches the horizon while bursting an apricot beneath the crimson sky. Patches of clouds are scattered all over the endless sky, causing my hands to ache. I really need to paint such scenarios.

Which Madalyne loves.

"Don't kick me out of the car but... can I ask something," A very stiff Altas asks, his eyes clearly ignited with excitement.

"I get the urge to kick you out regardless.....," I mumble before saying, "Go on."

Atlas shifts in his seat, completely facing my side, "Are you going to propose to Mady?"

My hands almost lose control of the car as I am too quick to stabilize. I intake a sharp breath before sending a sharp glance towards my brother, who quickly turns himself facing the window.

"Perhaps," Upon hearing me, Atlas turns his head only a bit. "I haven't thought about it much." A lie. I think about it everyday. I swipe through thousands of rings everyday. I don't think I would be asking the question anytime soon because I want her to complete her studies completely and settle for a job.

'Which is very soon' A part of me points out.

"If you do it anytime soon," A wide smile spreads over Atlas' face, "I want to be the photographer." Atlas and his obsession with photography.

Just the thought of marriage brings sheer petrification for some reason. However, marriage makes me think about how beautiful my love would look in a white dress, how beautiful and breathtaking she would look while she walks down the aisle. The more I think about it, the sooner I want to get down on one knee.


Soon I park the car in the garage and we both get out. Obviously, Atlas forgets to take his books with him therefore I take out the books from the backseat and head towards the main door of the mansion where three of us are currently living.

I type in the passcode before we enter the deafening house. Most of the lights are switched off except the kitchen and living area, indicating Madalyne is there. Apparently, she hates it when lights are switched on more than necessary. Of course we have to oblige since the queen rules the house.

I stride towards the kitchen to see my angel while Atlas rushes in as well to receive his daily milkshake. Upon entering the kitchen, I see my love standing in front of the base cabinet while facetiming someone on the phone.

"Pregnancy can be really hard sometimes. Especially the early stages...constant nausea, body ache....," Madalyne's voice echoes throughout the whole room as the books from my arms fall onto the pristine floor.

Madalyne flickers her gaze towards me upon hearing the loud commotion.

What did I just hear?!

{A/N- Wanted this chapter to reflect a part of their daily lives. Also, it has been so long since the book had been finished. Loving the votes!}

Thanks for reading!

Another bonus chapter incoming! ;) 

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