Chapter 59- A lot of Things were Set Up

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[Switching POVs]

Xavier's POV

"Remember... on your eighteenth birthday... you ended up in hospital and I was there for you..."

I can't recall shit.

Upon seeing my confused expression, she takes a deep breath, "I see you don't quite remember." Not quite. I have no fucking clue about what she is talking about. I did end up in hospital after an accident on my eighteenth birthday. But how does she know that?

She continues, disregarding my utter confusion, "....You were brought into the OR at about eleven in the morning. Despite all the cuts and bruises, you were looking so handsome. I was an intern back then. Instead of concentrating on what the surgeon was doing, I got completely distracted by you." A chuckle escapes her lips.

A disgusting sensation stirs up in my stomach as she continues to tell me about that day. "You didn't wake up until two days later. I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to see your beautiful eyes. I was assigned to monitor you for a few days... which were one the best days of my life besides these."

Her eyes roam all over my face, "You probably saw me when you first opened your eyes. But then you passed out again for a few hours." A smile spreads across her lips before her eyes darken and a look of sorrow takes over, "Your friends made the hospital discharge you before we could even meet properly."

Cassandra looks down on her lap while my insides burn in flames. The fact that she was "admiring" me while I was fighting for my life revolts me to the core. I do remember Joseph telling me he would often see a female nurse supervising me. None of them probably knew she was just an intern. But if they saw her before, they would obviously recognize her few months back.

I do remember waking up and I also remember passing out right after. She thinks I was discharged right after I woke up. But she is wrong. After I woke for the second time, Theo was there and that's when my life crumbled after he told me he was leaving for good. Right after the boys helped me out of the hospital.

But I don't feel the urge to correct her.

I just feel the urge to strangle her with the ropes tying my hands.

"Please say something...," Her voice pulls me back to reality. My tired eyes flicker to her for a few seconds before returning back to the window. There is a little gap in between the curtains and for the past hour I have been trying to get a clear look but this bitch won't just leave me alone.

"All I have to say....," My face once again turns to her, awaking a hint of delight in her eyes. Too bad it's going to all crash down. " that you are a fucking psychopath and just wait once I get out of here. You are going to bear an insufferable death!" I growl as I watch all the glimpse of hope disintegrating in her teary eyes.

Her breathing vigorously heavies as she stares at me with glaring eyes. I let out an humorless chuckle, "You must be stupid to think I would even want to start a new life with you. You telling all that shit does not change the fact that you are mental."

Just as I utter the last word, she stomps on her feet and grabs the roots of her hair. "Stop! Stop it!"

Time to add fuel to the flames, "Sick people like you deserve the worst. I feel disgusted to even let you into my house. You tied me up because you want me. Only mental people like you do that."

Tears fall from her eyes as she paces around, taking in my words. Her eyes grow red and the veins look like they are about to burst out. Suddenly, as expected, she lets out a scream out of frustration before leaving the room.

Finally some peace.

Now back to the curtains.

I move myself forward enough to peek through the gap. As far as I can, we have to be somewhere up the hills. Puffs of clouds are scattered in the sky which feels too low. A few trees can also be seen. Other than that, I can make out anything else.

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