Chapter 12 - Will you be Okay?

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Xavier's POV

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Xavier's POV

"Oh Shit! Wrong timing!" Thomas curses, pushing everyone out of the main door as well as himself. Six figures begin to retreat out of the doors when I clear my throat, causing everyone to freeze.

"What the fuck took so long?" I check my wrist as it's almost nine at night. They are supposed to be here around eight.

"Umm- uh- we were supposed to be here at nine. Thomas called us telling so," A man with Italian accent nervous chuckles. I glare at Thomas with a questioning look.

"Oh! I did call everyone for the change of time," Thomas grins. Then why the fuck didn't he call me to inform?

"But you didn't call me," Madalyne narrows her eyes towards Thomas. I mean not that I mind her being here earlier, but being together alone is just going to make us suffer, especially me.

"Eh? I didn't? Oh, my bad," Thomas chuckles, pretending to be oblivious of not informing her whereas, Madalyne and I both know he didn't inform her on purpose. "Anyways, let it be past. Let's get started on the project."

"First, let's start with introductions. I'll go first- I am Vanessa, from London," A girl exclaims in a high pitched tone, making my eardrums hurt. I thought we were supposed gather here to work on project not first day of school.

"I am Dante, from Italy,"

"Ali, Egypt,"

"Madalyne, Canada,"

"Francois, and you can already guess by my accent... France,"

"Liam, New Castle,"

"Thomas, everyone knows me, I am from London,"

"Xavier, London-,"

Loud gasps echo throughout the living room as soon as I mutter my name. Everyone looks at me with wide eyes; Liam and Francois are about to have a heart attack while Thomas whispers to Madalyne, "Did I hear what he just said, correctly?"

Vanessa puts her palm on her chest, totally taken a back as well as Ali, whom I have never even heard talking until today. "Ahem! Can you all stop being dramatic?" My voice booms though out room, startling everyone. I turn my gaze to Madalyne whose face splits into a breathtaking smile but quickly hides it.

"Wow! L-Last time we were h-here you kicked all of us and didn't even l-look at us," Vanessa sheepishly stutters which is true; never in my life I have given any effort to group projects. It has been either I did the whole thing by myself or I disappeared without trace.

"You know perhaps it's not too late to kick you again," I roll my eyes. We soon get down to the project. Right now we are working on the introduction for which no one can come up with any idea. I notice my angel lost in her own world. I could capture her face right now and look at it all night. Her outfit tonight looks ravishing, threatening me to carry her to the bedroom and tear her dress off.

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