Episode 192: Enter RWBY!

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Urara: Hi everyone! It's me, Urara Kasugano! Welcome back to Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars! We've now reached Episode 191! The season's soon coming to an end, so let's end it with a bang! Yay!

Lily: Wow! Nice introduction, Urara!

Urara: Thanks, Lily!

*FSW appears*

FSW: Hey guys!

Haruhi: FSW!

*you already know what happens next*

Urara: Oh. Hi FSW... You don't have anything bad for us, do you?

FSW: Of course not! For my first question, Weiss, Blake and Yang, how do you ladies feel about your Death Battles?

Yang: I thought it was awesome! I won, after all!

Weiss: Well I'm glad you liked yours, because I DIDN'T! 😡

Regina: I know, right?! You had every right to win!

FSW: Not gonna lie, feels pretty petty to hate a Death Battle just because you lost, Weiss.

Weiss: Hmph. Don't care.

Blake: Well I feel like I should've gotten a better matchup than Mikasa. It was pretty obvious that I would win.

Me: At least we got that banger, Thunder Shroud!


Me: Yeah. Thanks Ladies...

FSW: Anyways, for my next question, Kazuma, have you ever thought that Aqua maybe LIED about your death and you really DID get run over by a truck?

Aqua: HUH?!

Kazuma: You know, considering how arrogant she is, that actually DOES sound like a possibility!

Aqua: That's not true! Shut up, FSW!

Kazuma: I've got my eye on you, Aqua!

FSW: Well then, for my next question, Dawn and Serena, now that the fake Serena is gone and you girls are on good terms, have you girls ever considered sharing Ash?

Dawn: Oh...

Serena: Well, we haven't actually thought of it. But, I suppose we could give it a try!

Dawn: Yeah!

Ash: (Well that's a relief. Now I don't have to worry about confessing and starting the love triangle up again...)

FSW: Good to hear! Anyways, for my next question, SpongeBob, Ruby, Jimmy, Ash and Jenny, there's a series featuring you 5 and a few other Cartoon and Anime characters as the main protagonists called Nicktoons and Anime Unite made by Horrorfan247 on Fanfiction.Net! Have you guys checked it out? If so, what's your opinion on it?

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