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After reaching his apartment Nanon left a soft low sigh seeing his loads of undone packed stuffs. Rest of the evening he spent doing nothing but unpacking his belongings and posting the notice for a roommate. When he finished managing his stuffs he was exhausted so he lied down on his bed and roamed through his phone thats when he found that one video that intrigued him. It was that particular voice that was so mesmerizing and when that guitar sound added rythm to it, it was so pleasant to the ears.

A/N-just love this song. Its really soothing and you can turn caption on it has such a nice meaning. Listen to it while reading it will be a great combo.

It was as if that voice was trying wake something deep inside of him. Suddenly he felt lots of emotions urging him. And most of that was pain, agony, sadness and hint of joy, that was the effect of that voice on him. It was the same voice he remembered and it was the same  voice which he felt he could understand the hidden emotion beneath those masked face and that uncovered beautiful voice.

Nanon instantly felt the urge to know that person but all he could see was those pretty eyes filled with mixtures of emotion. Seeing his eyes and observing those eyes felt as if that person was on the verge of breaking down but something was still urging him to continue. 


"Who is this mysterious person whom he could never forget and who is this masked singer? Are they the same person? If just I could confirm another possibility..."that was Nanon was thinking when that person suddenly stopped singing and started talking.

" Hey, everyone! so, that song was for today. Today let me share about him again" that person talked.

"So, yeah today I think I met him after all but seems like he doesn't remembers me"his voice was so filled with tint of joy and disappointment that made Nanon's heart ache. Even Nanon doesn't know why his heart is so sensitive towards this voice maybe that person is his the only source to his memory recovery?  

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