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First he need to do is to dig into this person's life. Who is he? What is his connection with his past? Why is he oversensitive  toward this person? So Nanon did what he thought he will do.

He first searched for  that person and found out from the same video that was posted in Fb that the man is quite popular and is widely known as THE FORGETTEN which is his same name channel in youtube where he will post covers and shares stories .

"weird name" Nanon talked to himself." Lets see, who are you? and if I will be able to find you or not." Nanon said looking at nothing but the channel "THE FORGETTEN". He first watched the first video then second third and he was so hooked up with THE FORGETTEN's  voice his sad stories and his beautiful messages to the people. Nanon felt as if that peson is perfect in every way, and sometime felt like he won't be able to find out who that person is behind that mask but he held onto his only hope cause now he was even more than sure that this person might be the same person from his blurry memories because of that voice and eyes.

Nanon was determined enough that he thought he will be successful in finding that person. He was just wandering off when suddenly his phone rang so he picked up the call and it was his aunt.

"Non, have you managed your place? And do you like it?" his aunt asked as soon as he was o call.

"Khrab naa(aunt), I have and yes I pretty much like it. Just looking for someone to share the room rent with." Nanon replied calmy.

"Aw!? What a coincidence? Drake was saying that he has a friend in there who was also looking for a place to stay why don't you contact Drake and talk about it?" his aunt sugested.

Nanon was happy to know there was someone who could he share rent with so he replied hurriedly to his aunt" Ok khrab, Thank u will talk to Drake about it, so you don't need to worry about me. I will be contacting you further for now , I need to talk to Drake,ok naa?"

"Aw, sure bye Non. Take care of yourself. I am off now" his aunt bid him goodbye and immediately called Drake. After sometime "Yes, Nanon. Is there something urgent?" a voice replied from the other side.

"Aw, yes I have something to talk to you. Were you busy? Did I disturb you?" Nanon asked.

"No no, I was just having great time with my Boy here" Drake replied.

"Oh!You asked Frank out?"Nanon asked seemingly taken aback.

"Yes!! and he accepted me so we are together now"

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