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A/N-I am mentioning this again,I am not familiar with education system in Thailand so I am writing my own made up system. Please don't take offense if I am wrong and their are my own imaginary stuffs.

"Oh!so seems like both of our class starts around same time. Wanna go with me?" Nanon asked looking back at Ohm.

Ohm was looking at Nanon while  and when Nanon suddenly looked at him and their eyes met, Ohm was startled but quickly avoided Nanon's eyes as if he was caught stealing.

"Aw, I am done already. Get ready quickly" Ohm ordered Nanon and went to prepare himself for the new and fresh start. Both of them got ready quickly and went downstairs with a comfortable silence around them. 

I know for sure this boy is a lot more than he seems to be. What is it that he is hiding? I will get to know it someday even if its not today, lets see who actually is he?

Nanon was playing with his words inside his head and was absent mindedly walking so he didn't see someone coming from downstairs was in  hurry and that person knocked him right off that moment but someone was way faster than anything there. Nanon was shocked and was caught off guard when he felt seemingly big hands than his engulfing him and avoiding the fall.

"Oi! where the hell is your mind huh? Do you even have clear looking eyes? Didn't you see someone coming ? What if you really fell from there.." Ohm akss with clearly shown off worry in his eyes.

"Tha-Thank you, I was just thinking and was not paying attention I am so sorry that I made you worried." Nanon said with apologetic look.

"AW! Ok! we are going to be late because of you! common!" Ohm said hurriedly.

Before Nanon could even think any thing he realized someone was holding his hand tightly and running while the fast wind they felt was hitting their face. Nanon was surprised with himself that he can feel this level of security from a person he just met and doesn't even know much about and how much it felt good when Om's hand was engulfing his own hand.

Who are you, Ohm? Are you key to my memory recovery? Or you are not even related to my memory loss.

Nanon thought and thought but couldn't find a right answer.

A/N- HAHA almost forgot to update today. I am so sleepy today but still wants to follow my routine so people who are waiting won't wait much. 

                                                                                                                 -Thank You

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