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"Who are you? Did I know you?"
Ohm was startled as he had flew back to the country in a hast without second thoughts, he could have done that before but the state he was in, his mind could hardly think and now he was back in front of him, he had hugged in relief, he seemed okay but the question took him aback.
With astonished look Ohm pulled away from that awkward embrace and locking his eyes with Nanon's he asked in disbelief with some confusion in his voice "Are you okay, Non?"
"I'm..." Nanon looked at him with even more of a confused look, looking lost about the situation and so finally the person who was standing by Nanon's side all this time quietly watching them spoke, it was Chimon, " He doesn't remember"

Ohm's relieved face had changed different colors already, he was thoroughly surprised as his eyes darted from Nanon's face to Chimon and back to Nanon again quickly, seeing him softly nod. Ohm was totally lost at the situation. Chimon wanted to further explain but Ohm spoke first "I'm...Ohm!" He stuttered.
"Uh...yeah? Hi Ohm?"
"This..." Ohm couldn't speak further as his already disoriented mind had started crumbling down. As his visions were getting blurry with tears, his loosely collected thoughts had scattered again. What was this situation he was in? How? Why is it even happening? He could comprehend none as he stood there in front of his Nanon who seemed somehow distant and a stranger with face of someone familiar. He was slowly breaking down and Ohm definitely didn't knew whom to put blame on? Him who had flied away in wrong situation? Or Nanon who seems to be struggling with his own memories? Or his father who clearly wanted to hide everything from him?
He stood in same place with his mind and heart heavy with inexplicable feelings and with a look registering as being in a never ending cruel agony. Nanon did nothing either, as for him he looked confused himself, he looked at Chimon helplessly trying to get him talk about the boy in front of him and the situation that he had let everyone in. Chimon, of course pitied him but still with a restrained look asked Ohm, "why are you here now, Ohm?"
Ohm didn't answer so Chimon further prodded for an answer as how he had knew Ohm not closely but he had thought when Nanon will be facing some shitty situation he will be the first one by his side and now he felt he had wrong impression of him, "Why are you even bothering yourself with this now, Ohm? It is weird that you can turn your back to him so quickly and still come to him? But for what?" Chimon's words were sharp fueling the immense guilt Ohm had been feeling for nothing, yeah he could have been there for Nanon but he was unable to do so, he was guilty all over for it but  was he to blame? What was his fault that everything seemed like he shouldn't have gone to States at all, why can't no one see him struggling too? Struggling about not knowing Nanon's situation, struggling on digesting everything he has been told, Nanon can't remember?  He felt unfair that he was being told of when he didn't even knew anything, he wanted to say that loud, how much he wanted to be by Nanon's side too, how desperate he was to let Nanon remember everything, how much guilt he has been frustrated by himself too but he choked unable to say anything.
He felt a lot but could utter nothing, trying to contemplate everything, it occurred to him he, himself was blaming himself more than anyone and with dejection his head had lowered to the extreme that no one could see his teary eyes and his shrunken face.
He simply couldn't keep calm in such situation as he turned around quietly speaking nothing and sprinting at the fastest speed to somewhere he can vent of his uneasiness. Nonetheless Nanon and Chimon somehow were in a collective state of daze as they saw Ohm's vigorously running off figure.

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