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He mindlessly boarded and landed in a foreign land, with an unsettled mind at alter he just walked as if the soulless body moving. The first thing he'd do after some tiring hours of flight? He would check out his phone, but nope no calls, no texts, and no service...with a heavy hurtful sigh, he followed his sister to wherever she was heading.

The ride to his sister's apartment was filled with momentary callings and talkings of his sister, despite their closeness it was the very first time he felt disconnected from the mood she was in. His mind wandered off back to those familiar places with familiar presence, he had thought he was doing so much okay there and will be somehow fine in here too, but reality finally kicked in him.

After just some minutes of being in there, he was dreading his decision, he knew he had never been good at taking decisions but this time, unlike every other previous time, felt different and more regretful. Yet there was again this different pulling sensation having his remorse and his control on leashes, a tight one on top of that.

Suddenly with that everything became hard to comprehend, he was looking out of the window but no view was leaving an imprint on his mind like how those old streets he had wandered off to countless times did, no chatters of his sister reached his mind like how he had always been successful in, just like that they were in front of his sister's apartment where he was supposed to be for next 2 years yet his state didn't scream excitement.

Noticing the long hours of her brother's cloudy mood, Ohm's sister cautiously tried to know the reason "Ohm? Are you okay? You have been spacing out all this time?"

Hearing the sudden question, even when he wanted to say something nothing came out of his mouth, he stared blankly at his sister, lips tightly shut, getting the blank glance as the only answer his sister was at a loss of words. Seeing her brother in pitiful state with all her might she tried to comfort him "Ohm.."she softly began "Is it about Nong'Non?" at that Ohm dejectedly turned his eyes away and found his way to the sofa nearby.

"Hey, listen...are you not confident in your relationship?" with that Ohm finally spoke hastily "That is not it,P' is just, it...I don't know how to say, I trust him and our relationship P' but I don't know...I've just been restless? And I don't even know the feels...suffocative P'...and hurts so much..."he hardly finished his words finally letting go. She had never seen her brother this dispirited and sad before so she hardly knew how to comfort him so she just awkwardly went over to him and put her slenders hand around his shoulders letting him rest his head on her embrace, as if saying lets share this burden together?

"If you are not okay with all these, don't try to be fine and show you are all good, okay? can just maybe take your time comprehending the situation and you two can always contact each other, right? I won't say 2 years is a short time but if you are here all determined then I know you will be able to hold on but if you are not fine with this you can just go back to where your heart is, right?" with her limited capability of comforting she tried to calm her brother but Ohm said nothing after that, simply layed his head on his sister's shoulder for some good few minutes.

"I...I will contact...them" with that he quickly got up from where he was seated and with some long breathes in and out he took out his phone and called the first number, he called his parents, he certainly had thought 'what if i call again but he won't pick up this time, either?' that maybe why he didn't dare dial up the number he had been dreading to talk to.

"Hello..." his dad's voice sounded muffled and somehow dreamy...he had forgetton the time difference. With slight hesitance he cut off the call.

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