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Nanon woke up abruptly..he was panting so hard and all his body was covered with sweats. "what was that?" Nanon asked himself. " A part of my lost memory? Was that my mom who was calling me? Why don't I remember anything?! People says oblivion is the best but sometimes I think its far more worse than anything. Not even knowing how I was back then? What happened before that accident? And with those pieces of blurry memories I wish I could recover them...I want someone to help me through it. I am suffering. Can anyone sees it?" Nanon was just muddling over it when there was a knock on the door that Nanon got up from his bed and went over to get the door.

"Nanon!?" As soon as door was opened Nanon was greeted with that particular voice which always brought mixture of feelings and now listening to it so close Nanon felt little bit nauseous and couldn't even look in other's eyes cause he knew who was there.

"Hi, Ohm right?" Nanon said after some time of calming himself while looking straight into other's eyes and Nanon gasped.

Those eyes gave him deja vu!

"Whats this? Have I met him before? Cause everything about him seems familiar?"

"No, we haven't met each other before its the first time I am meeting you." Ohm replied looking straight into Nanon's surprised eyes.

"Did I said it so loud?"Nanon asked

"Yes, indeed"Ohm replied .

"Aw! so come inside and have a look yourself "Nanon said

After that Nanon was walking away but was suddenly stopped by Ohm's voice"Hey! where are you going?"

Nanon replied jokingly" HAHA ...why do you sound like you are afraid of losing me? I am going nowhere just need to take showers thats all."

What Nanon didn't heard was the soft mumble of Other's" Yes I am...very much..afraid!"

After finishing of his shower when Nanon came out he saw Ohm managing his stuffs and other things so he sat beside him and asked him while helping him manage his clothes.

"So, Ohm You know right? As we are sharing this place equally we will be paying each half of the rent right?"

"UM" Ohm replied short

"So what is your full name?"Nanon asked as soon as Ohm replied

"Ohm pawat chitsawangdee" Ohm told him his full name.

"huh! WANGDEE perfumes? Thats your family business isn't it?" Nanon asked

"Um" Ohm replied

"Wahh!so that unique and rare edition of wangdee perfume, can i know about it?" Nanon asked hopefully

"Why are you so talkative? Can you just keep quite for sometime?" Ohm snapped at Nanon.

"Boring" Nanon said in a low voice that even a fly couldn't have heard it but surprisingly enough Ohm heard.

"What did you just say?" Ohm asked with a serious glance towards Nanon's direction. 

A/N- I am glad to know someone reads my book. Thank you so much to all who have given some time to my work too. Actually my posting routine was tuesday and thursday but this thursday I felt really down that I couldn't think of any idea to keep it continuing so, I am amending now for that.. I hope I will be on time in upcoming days, but I am pretty much worried too seeing how my exam is slowly knocking my brain's doors. -IAME

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