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IAME- so I think this chapter I will be writing mostly in Nanon's pov. We need to know what is he thinking of this situation and what he will do right? so, yeah. Here it is...

Nanon's pov

I couldn't respond to him at all. I need to think about these things seriously and So I came outside of the room, those words just kept repeating again and again. I am not running away, I need to face it but I need some fresh air first to refresh my mind, its not processing at all. 

Okay, he knew me and he said it so himself.

I just couldn't think of anything. He clearly said it to my face, I was going to ask him myself. So, what if I had asked him and he might have told me then also would I be having the same reaction as it is right now?

When he told me all those things, a lot of emotion came rushing. What should I do now? He said he wanted to help me, but how? I feel as I am being suffocated but at the same time relieved?! ... What should I do? I am so confused, it feels as if I am as much blank as I was back then when I regained my consciousness after that accident.

'Oh, I am already out of the building? I would just walk around and calm down.'

 As I was walking around the street, I remembered how serious he was when he said he would help me. The thing is a lot of people tried already and nobody succeeded, So how is he different? To be honest, tho I want to regain my memories but I am afraid. I know theres this small part of me, which still fears the negative possibilities. So another thing is, even tho he wants to help me. Am I ready?

I am right? Yeah, I need to know who was closest, need to know who I was...Its about finding the lost me, thats why I need to stay strong. If he really genuinely cares about me, should I give him a chance?

The conclusion is he is Ohm, he is THE FORGOTTEN too, so...he is the same person from my dreams?! WAITT, he said......

Aghh, I will just take things slowly. Everything, whether he really said it or not will be clear by then. Why am I thinking about it? I need chilly air more than this.

END OF pov...

Though, Nanon decided he was still considering it seriously. It was those bloody nightmares that he didn't want to remember, but what has fate decided?  He was oblivious, and sometimes oblivion is best but sometimes the worst can be it too.

To make it less awkward, Nanon decided to buy some snacks. Till the moment he arrived in front of their room he was absent-minded. He subconsciously pulled the door open and as he entered the room he saw it was dark and someone was sitting on the floor beside of Ohm's bed so, he naturally called him out knowing who it was.

"Hey, Ohm"

As he called he turned on the lights of the room and Ohm squinted his eyes because of sudden brightness.

"What are you doing? sitting on the floor, with lights turned off?" Nanon said observing him.

"I_I thought maybe, I was rash and came upon you unprepared and was worried you won't be coming here today." Ohm said even without looking at him.

"Hey, I need to talk to you openly. Earlier, I was shocked so I ran off, sorry for making you worried. Here, we can talk while eating right?" Nanon said handing the snacks bag to Ohm. Ohm slowly looked at the snacks and then made eye contact with Nanon.

Ba dum...

IAME- WOW, it took me quite a long time to upload. Whos heart went ba dum? Imagine as you wish. I am so lazy and on top of that, I am just lying around doing nothing, but ditching all of my notes and projects. I am sorry guys, I don't have any special reason for being late in the update I was just lazy...And now my 2nd terminal examination is just starting after 2 weeks from this day. My update has been irregular and I don't know if I would be uploading between my exams or not. But who knows, I can maybe update within my exam time too HAHA. I just kept ranting, ENJOY THE CHAPTER, guyssss

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