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"Hey! Dinner?" Nanon called Ohm awkwardly.

"Oh, sure" Nonetheless Ohm agreed to the offer and then began the atmosphere with awkward silence, they were both silently eating but someone couldn't bear it.

"Um, Doesn't the atmosphere feel weird? I know I said I will be taking some time to completely digest but we can try easing things up, right?" Nanon spoke first.

"That...that should be natural right? like maybe with time?" Ohm said.

" Let me start, then. How was your day?" Nanon asked with a smile.

Ohm replied with a smile too "Good, I guess? How was yours?" "Mine too"

They ate their dinner slowly opening up with little chitchatting.

After having their dinner, "Do you have like anything to do? Maybe projects or assignments?" Ohm asked Nanon plopping on his bed slowly taking out his laptop.

"No, I'm free. Don't have anything to do right now, why?" Nanon asked looking at Ohm.

"Um, do you want to watch some movies? Its fine if you don't want to, haha" Ohm stated nervously. But Nanon suddenly moved towards Ohm's bed and sat beside him while asking, "What are we watching?"

"You like the horror genre, so some horror movie night?" Ohm asked Nanon while searching for something. 

"Wait, whats with I like? What do you like? If we are both watching we both must enjoy it, right? What about you? What do you want to watch?" Nanon asked looking at Ohm.

"Then-" Ohm clicked a movie and both were so immersed in it just after some time they were laughing so much that they were clutching their stomach.

After finishing one movie.

"Lets watch another?" Both have the same thing in their mind and start their movie marathon.

"Hai, Ohm!!! Wake up. Oii!! we're late..." Nanon's loud voice rang through Ohm's eardrums jerking him up in one go.

"Shitt!!" Ohm cursed and their day started with a hectic morning.

IAME- What am I writing? Don't ask me, I don't know myself. It was supposed to be a 20 chaps or something fic but now it seems as if the story will prolongate to another 20+ chaps, Yeah I need to draw a plotline for his memory recovery. But trust me when I say I am trying, I have never used my brain once for any other things, not even exams!! Well, need to use my brain in exams but not this much, So stick with me hehe. END OF REGULAR RAMBLING SESSION. Enjoy!!

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