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IAME- First, I am so sorry for completely disappearing with no updates, It is so frustrating but I had to deal with another exam...I was finally done with it yesterday and this chap...I lack so many things, I am not good at writing expressively, and I have a complete idea and scenario but it is not put into writing beautifully, so I was like totally stuck in this chap from god knows when ):) Anyways, somehow a long chap from me... :) Hope it will pay off the long wait as compensation...

The hours he waited for a single piece of information about Nanon had turned into days, that had already been collectively a week. No one literally no one, he could reach no one for days, and with that, his heart had gone cold from the concern. Countless calls, texts to Nanon, and no response at all, everyone in his friend circle had gone quiet with no possible interaction at all. No matter how he tried to convince himself saying everything should be good, he knew something was definitely not right.

After a couple of days of absent-mindedness and nights of sleeplessness, every day Ohm was wiggling in pain in his closed room definitely not ready to adapt to the changes at all. Seeing the situation of her brother up close, his sister felt even more desperate to do something to help him.

She went in front of his room and knocked twice but she noticed that the door was open, after not getting any response she slowly opened the door, seeing the brightly lit room she was somehow confused and she saw her brother sitting in the farthest corner of his bed seemingly lost in thoughts, seeing this she quietly left the room.


"Pa, you know something right?"

"?? what do I know?"

"What is happening there, Pa? Even if you don't know can you help me check on Ohm's friends?"

"Ohm's friends? What happened? Is he alright?"

"I don't know Pa, he if, I don't know how to describe it, he has been in some bad condition, Pa"

"Can you say in detail what is happening?"

"He is totally not in here at all, its as if he is spacing out all the time, thinking about don't know what"


"Ahh, it's okay Pa if you are not getting what I am saying but I might have some idea can you give me Ohm's any friend's number that you have?"

"Ohm's friends, I'm sorry but I think I have number of anyone"

"Oh! That's fine then, Pa. I will manage another way."

"What way? where is he now? "

"He is in his room, I gotta go, Pa. Love you, bye"

The call was cut off. Ohm's father looked at his phone somehow worried about the situation, seeing this Ohm's mother who was sitting by listening to the conversation said softly, "You should tell them. Don't do this, you know it's not going to turn out good."

At that, he just weakly looked at her and said nothing, he let out a sigh with a heavy heart looking down at his tightly clasped hands.

"Hey" "Ohm?" "Are you okay?" At that Ohm turned his eyes to meet his sister's direction, he had a dark hollowness clear in his eyes totally seeing disconnected from her words, the evident black circles making him see as if a sick person.

"Give me Nanon's number," she asked extending her phone towards him, he looked at her and down at her phone blankly, without saying anything he just passed his phone to her.

She took his phone and was on her way of leaving his room when she heard him say, "He won't pick up," slightly startled she looked back at him waiting for him to speak further but he had already averted his eyes and was back to his 'in my own world' mode.

As she went through his contacts she was shocked, how many calls is it, there were repetitive calls on one particular number she almost felt dizzy looking at it. Helplessly, she called but no answer, she sighed thinking 'was he avoiding him?'

Seeing how it won't work like that she searched through his contacts and she called the one she knew was his closest friend.

A few rings and someone picked up, she was thoroughly surprised.


"Is it Drake?"

"Aww yes? May I know who are you?"

"Why are you all ignoring him?"

"Huh?! Who? I'm sorry but maybe you got the wrong number?"


"..." Drake was silent hearing the name.

"Who are you? And what about Ohm?"

"It seems as if you all are ignoring him, why are you doing this, huh?"

"Who is ignoring who?"

"I'm his sister, I don't know the full thing but what I know is there was something going on between Ohm and Nanon, wasn't it? Then he comes here Nanon doesn't even come to send him off and seems like everyone is ignoring him, you deliberately didn't pick up his calls, isn't that it, seeing how you picked up mine?" she spoke directly to the point clearly frustrated over Drake trying to act oblivious.

"He left on his own, Phi. can you say, Nanon didn't come to see off, how can he Phi, he is like this..." Drake's voice came off somehow a little bit aggressive and a little bit choked at last.

"What? What is he like now? Not better than my depressed brother, right?"

"Phi, you...! Didn't he say anything to you? I can't believe it, is all of this happening? I'm not getting him at all. What is he even trying to do? He has gone crazy to go to Sates with you at first knowing Nanon got into an accident, and now trying to contact anyone, will it even change anything? What does he want now, Phi? Leaving like that, does he care now how Nanon is doing? When he clearly left like that." Drake was furious, furious that Ohm could do this, he thought he knew someone else before not this Ohm.

"Wait..." after a long pause, Ohm's sister finally spoke again, hardly consuming everything.

"Nanon got into an accident and Ohm knew? What are you saying, Drake? He has been frantically calling Nanon since he got here, he is worried sick and I don't think he knows anything about this situation there. How did you even assume that he knew? Have you even asked him yet?"

"...UHh..that...but uncle said..." Drake was finally calming down trying to take in Ohm's sister's point, how...why has he become like this? 

"Uncle? Pa? Did Pa meet you? Don't tell me he said something about him knowing anything about Nanon's situation?"

"What situation?" suddenly a hoarse and rough voice came from behind her, shocked as she turned around she saw her brother who has never left his room behind her. With quick steps, Ohm came to her and asked hastily "What? What situation, Phi? Nanon, is he okay? Did something happen?"

As every word of Ohm's reached Drake's ears he was taken aback, suddenly realization came in. How did he become so stupid? Why did he think Ohm would do anything like that? With realization Drake felt uncomfortable guilt, he lost it with rage or what?

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