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Nanon was just leisurely taking stroll around his new university where he was going to study from tomorrow and all among crowd 'BAM' someone just have to hit him hard on his shoulder. That person even didn't bother to look back as he apologized and began to move forward. Maybe that person didn't notice anything amiss but Nanon did. He smelt the familiar scent and really familiar voice. " Was that him?" he thought to himself and look at the person who just bumped into him but all he could see was a back of a person holding guitar with NO written guitar case running off to the staircase as if he was too late for something important.

"Was I mistaken? It was really that person wasn't it?" he mumbled to himself.

He could never be wrong about that voice which was smooth not too deep and not too high, and especially that pine perfume from WANGDEE PERFUME which is as rare as Emerald Ore cause once in a year that perfume is one in sale for once a year and the price is just as much as high as its popularity. How did he knew all about those things? 

From that day he had opened his eyes in hospital back to 2 years from present he lost his memories. All he could remember was a dying blur face of a women and someone whose eyes were clear as crystal, whose forest like pine perfume which was so mesmerizing that it felt as if it has resided on the tip of his nose and that particular voice which clearly said 

"I LOVE YOU, non"

 Who was it? He doesn't know.

 When he woke up he was told that he and his mother got into an accident, she was lucked out while he was able to be saved and apart from his aunt there was none as his relative. Since then he has been living with his aunt who holds him dearly as he is her own child and even though he has already turned out 19 this year his aunt didn't wanted him to leave on his own but you see He has been living in Phetchaburi and the university he applied was in Bangkok, it was decided that he had to be on his own.

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