Officer Freeman

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As much as I loved last night, today has started off terrible. D is on her bullshit with some other group of women. "Are those hickies? You fucked someone?" TT gasped which made my eyes widen.

I didn't get to sit down yet! "Everyone heard moaning last night, I'm surprise the guards didn't come- wait... How did you have someone in your cell during lights out?" She ask as I stuffed my mouth with the oatmeal.

The sounding of whistles and people shouting made me sigh in relief and get to the ground with TT. "Q, who did you have in your cell?" She ask with a wide smile. 

I shook my head and look at her. "I was masturbating," I lied while blushing tremendously. I thought my lie sounded believable but the look I received from her told me other wise. "Right, and you moan like a female?" She questioned earning a slow nod.

Please drop it...

She shook her head and let out a low laugh. "Lockdown!" I heard making everyone go to their cells and shut the doors. This is pretty great, actually. I can possibly talk to Tiffany, if she's up. 'Hey, babe. We're on lockdown.' 

After five minutes, I guess she was sleep so I just laid back and rest. A good ten minutes went by before I saw my screen light up. 'Hide your phone! They're going to do an search!'

I cursed under my breath and got out the bed. I went to the door and saw guards carrying out D and some more women. "Shit, shit, shit!" I whisper shout while going to the hiding spot and made sure the broken brick wasn't noticeable. 

"Cell check!" I hear then my door was automatically opened. I look and saw everyone exiting their cells and stood by the door. I stood out my cell and rubbed my chin nervously. "You look nervous," TT mouthed as they checked her room.

I only smiled and shook my head. I locked my fingers behind my neck and let my arms rest to hide the hickies around my neck. "Morning, Frost," Officer Wundt said then entered my cell. 

He moved my shit around, causing me to peak in and see him touch my baby girl's pictures. "Please be careful with those," I mumble watching him turn his head then walk out and hold the drawings up. "What type of drawings are these? You should take a art class," he joked which made me clutch my hands then take a deep breath.

"Those are my daughter's drawings, sir," I mumble which made him stop laughing and look at me guiltily. "Right. Sorry about that, son," he mumble looking at them as I felt my hands shake from him touching her stuff.

Don't lose it. Don't lose it. Don't-

"Here you go, Frost," Officer Wundt mumble holding her picture and drawings to me. I slowly took them, releasing a breath that I didn't know I was holding. "Thank you, sir," I mumble placing her photo to my chest.

Officer Wundt stared at me then walked away towards the stairs since my cell is the last one on the top. We were allowed back into our cells for the twenty-four hour lockdown. My princess' photos were placed back on the shelf and I immediately went to the phone and called Tiffany.

"Hey, baby," she softly voiced as I hear the sound of pots clinking in water. "Hey," I mumble laying on my back and run my head down my face. "Facetime me," she mumble making me quickly sit up and hop down. 

"Hold on. I got to look good for you," I chuckle hopping down and look in the mirror. I made my curtain like I've been taught then propped the phone up. 

Her cute giggling was heard before she hung up. The Facetime notification came up, allowing me to quickly answer and smile into the camera. She look so cute in the large hoodie. "Back up. Let me get a good look at you," I smirk taking my shirt off from the heat blasting in my cell. 

Officer FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now