Chapter XIX: Kicks

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Me and Tiffany let out a sigh after explaining to Ashly why we haven't told anyone that she's pregnant with twins yet. "We want to wait until the baby shower to surprise everyone," I informed her for the umpteenth time slowly. 

She squint her eyes at me then flipped me off. "Don't you two suppose to be heading to the store?" She ask making Tiffany gasp and look at her watch. "Come on. I do not want to get caught up in traffic and we're finding out their genders today," she rushed pushing me out of the livingroom.

I was the only one not dressed because I was comfortable. We've heard our babies heartbeat and Tiffany will not let go that I almost cried after hearing their first heartbeat. "Hakeem!" My woman shout which made me rush out the room fully dressed.

"I'm getting tired of you saying my middle name," I grumble fixing the matching shoes. We were wearing the same colors but different designer type of clothing. Tiffany wore a cute dress which is surprisingly good for the weather. It may be a summer dress and its September but its still ninety something degrees outside!

Bipolar ass weather.

"Chop chop, Q!" She rushed checking her time. "We need to go to the clinic before we go shopping," I hear her sigh then squint her eyes at her bestfriend. "You and your slowness love to slow me sometimes. Lock the door when you leave," she smile kissing Ashly on the cheek then literally drag me out the house as I text my parole officer. 

Like usual, he doesn't care since I check in on time and I do everything I'm suppose to do. "Quinton, we're going to be late. Come on," she rushed waiting for me to open the door for her. I smile and quickly opened the door for her then got in myself. 

The bad thing about this is that she's driving so not only am I fearful for her and the babies' lives but I'm fearful of mine too! "Baby, slow down," I mumble gripping her thigh while pressing on the imaginary breaks.

She glanced to me then put my hand on the wheel. "Got damnit, T!" I squeaked as she checked her face in the rearview mirror. "Breaks," I gulp feeling her softly press on the breaks. "Thank you, papi," she smile leaning over and peck my cheeks. 

"That terrifies me every time," I sigh leaning my head back with my eyes closed. She only let out a giggle and drove towards the OBGYN's clinic. She terribly parked the car then turned her head towards me.

I got out and opened the door for her. "I'm driving back," I chuckle grabbing her hand and walked inside the clinic. "What, why?" She pout making me stop her and turn her body towards the clear window. "Look how you parked. I would like for all four of us to make it home safely, alright?" I smile giving her my charming smile.

She let out a huff and folded her arms. "You're lucky I love you," she mumbles then went to the desk with a smile. I went ahead and took a seat with the cool sports drink in my hand. Tiffany had a few fainting episodes so I'm making sure her iron is good and she drinks her electrolytes.

I saw her sit next to me then lean against me. "I'm so tired, Quinton," she mumbles allowing me to wrap my arms around her and rub her stomach. "We can go shopping tomorrow or I can get everything," I mumble feeling her hand lay on top of mine.

At this point it has became an habit to rub her stomach and feel her hand lay on top of mine as I admire that she is carrying two of our children. "No, no. I need to get some stuff for the house," she hum then sat up.

Her eyes met mine and I couldn't help but see that cute glint in her eyes. "Okay, I know we already talked about names but now that we're having twins, we haven't came up with another name," she said making me rub my chin and think about a perfect name for our little beans.

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