Officer Freeman

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"So this is Joshua," I chuckle which made her look at me confused. "Ashly and Cory told me already," I mumble then saw her open then closed her mouth. "You delivered our stuff. You can leave now," I said closing the door only for his foot to block it. 

If I slam the door hard enough-.

I shook my head from my thoughts then felt Tiffany sigh and lace her hand with mine. "What, Joshua?" She mumble as I let him in. If he came here to get a closure, he needs to hurry up and leave. 

"Wait here," I mumble lifting her up and walk to her room. I put my shirt on her then some of her basketball shorts while I put on mine.

She held my hand and guided me back to the livingroom, only to see him looking at us already. "What do you need, Joshua?" She ask as I sat back on the floor. 

Tiffany sat directly between my legs then leaned back on me. "Right, I came to apolo-" He started but she quickly stopped him. "You're forgiven," she simply stated as he came over and look at her. 

"Really?" He smile with hope in his eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer. "Yes, but I will not have any type of friendship with you," she said earning a smirk from me. 

"I wasn't looking for a friendship. I was hoping we could get back together," he smile squatting down then reached to touch her face. I smacked his hand away only for Tiffany to lace both of our hands together and sigh in frustration.

She shook her head then checked the time on her phone. "This man, right here," she mumble turning her head towards me then pecked my lips. I had to do a little more so I shoved my tongue in her mouth then smirked.

Her small blush made itself known as she checked her time again. "You have exactly thirty seconds before she gets here," she sigh and he just stared at her like he lost a million dollars. Shit, he lost more than that with her. 

"You're leaving me for a criminal?" He yelled and I immediately stood up. "You want to see what type of criminal I am?" I chuckle only for my head to be turned towards Tiffany. "Absolutely not. I just got you back," she whispered leaning up and peck my lips.

"This criminal didn't cheat on me then bragged about it after. You are so emotionally abusive that I had a whole mental breakdown in front of my best friend. Get out," she said and I can see the tears welding up in her eyes. 

Her body was softly pressed against mine as I glare at him. "Leave," I mumble taking a seat and let her straddle my lap. She let out a soft sob while trying to get closer to me. He walked to the door only to be backed in. 

Ashly dropped her purse on the floor then went to lay his ass out. "Woe, baby. You can't do that here," Cory said as Ashly glanced to Tiffany in my arms sobbing then let out huff. "Tell them he got his ass laid out by a girl," she said only for Cory to throw her on his shoulder. 

"Bro, just leave," he said holding the door open. Tiffany slid down then pulled me to her room and got in bed. 

The way her body immediately latched on to me let me know that he caused a lot of damage to her. "I'll mend those broken pieces, beautiful. I'ma treat you like you're my wife. Which you're technically going to be anyways," I rant rubbing her scalp and her back.

She let out a low giggle as I slid my hands down her back and massaged her ass. "Thank you," she breathe then got off of me. She laid beside me then held her arms up. "What are you thanking me for, beautiful?" I ask getting partially on her and lay my head on her breast. 

Her soothing heartbeat made me sigh and close my eyes as she pulled the blanket up to my neck. "What did he do to you?" I thought feeling her smooth curvy waist. "He wasn't always emotionally abusive towards me," I hear her mumble.

Officer FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now