Chapter X: Settling Down

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"Quinton," I faintly here as I try to get my sleep. Soft hands began rubbing my jaw as I pull Tiffany close to me. "Go back to sleep," I mumble kissing her hands and fell back to a comfortable sleep. 

"He's hot," I hear Tiffany mumble making me snap my eyes open and look at her. She was already staring at me while I look around to see who she is talking about. "Now that you're up. We're here," she snickered which caused me to suck my teeth and open the door.

We all got out and I let out a large stretch. "Damn," I mumble fixing my clothes up as Tiffany fixed her dress and hair. "Ready, Quinton?" Ashly ask as I let out a small breath. "Yeah, let's get this over with," I mumble motioning for them to walk ahead of me but the trunk was suddenly opened.

Tiffany grabbed a duffle bag and gave it to me. "I'm glad you told me your size or I wouldn't be able to get you any clothes. You got hygienic stuff in-" she rant while I pull her into the deepest kiss. 

My arms tighten around her as I lift her up off the ground. "You're the best. I promise when I get my shit together, I'm taking care of you," I mumble as her arms wrap around my neck tightly. "You don't-" she started but I interrupted her again.

"Shut up, Tiffany. Look what you're doing for me. I could still be doing time right now but you're looking out for me. Just wait until I get out of here, baby. I'm going to get my shit right for you and my baby girl," I mumble feeling her pull back and hold my head down to look at her. 

A small tear escaped her eye, causing me to quickly wipe it away. "Do this for yourself too, alright?" She mumble pulling away and grabbed another duffle bag. "Okay," I breathe grabbing it and put it on my other shoulder. 

We walked into the facility and I was quickly pushed to the desk by the two women. "Quinton Frost?" The receptionist ask earning a small nod. "Yes, ma'am," I mumble signing my name as she gave me a clip board of everything I need to put on there. 

Ashly pushed me to my seat, allowing me to take a seat and fill out everything. Fingers running through my locs made me relax and fill everything out. "Alright, go through that door and to the first room," she mumbles causing me to nod and grab my things. 

Tiffany and Ashly followed and it was only a table there. "Alright, Mr. Frost. I am Dr. Quinn and I will be checking up on you throughout this program. Here is everything you need to know about the program and visitation hours. I need to get a picture and draw some blood then we will get you settled," he said as a man came in with his camera. 

He did a small countdown before he snapped my picture then he grabbed my arm and tied a blue ribbon around it tightly. "Did I tell you how much I hate needles?" I ask with a nervous chuckle. 

My head was turned towards Tiffany and just the sight of her makes me relax. "You never told me that," she snickered grabbing one of my locks and twirl it around her finger. "Yeah, I absolutely hate them," I mumble glancing to her full lips.

"All done," I hear as the tight ribbon was removed. "Huh?" I mumble seeing the man that pulled my blood hold up a vial of red liquid. "That wasn't so hard, Quinton," Ashly snickered as I held my mouth open not knowing how I didn't feel that dangerous weapon prick me. 

A hot meal was placed in front of me, making me look at the kind woman that I didn't see come in. "You missed dinner so luckily we're able to get you a plate," she hummed then walked out. 

I nod and took the lid off, seeing a very delicious full course meal. "You ladies want any?" I ask digging my fork into the chicken parmesan. Ashly stole my garlic bread while I fed Tiffany my food. "That's pretty good," she hum wiping my lips.

We ate and talked for a bit before it was time for me to go. "Thanks Ashly," I breathe giving her a small hug. "I don't know what I did but you're welcome," she snickered while hugging back. 

She moved and I saw Tiffany fanning her face. "I'm going to miss you," she whisper wrapping her arms around my torso. "I'm going to miss you too, baby," I mumble then pulled back slightly to see her dark caramel nose slightly red. 

"Don't cry, baby. It'll be over before you know it," I smile wrapping an arm around her waist. 

My lips softly kissed her forehead and I just held her. Soft sniffles escaped her cute nose, making me pull back and kiss her tears away. "I love you, baby. I'll call as soon as I can," I smile tilting her head up and peck her lips. 

A soft knock made me pull away and smile. "Six months and I'm all yours," I whisper picking up my bags then look at the two women. Ashly wrapped her arms around Tiffany as one of the workers motioned for me to follow. 

I went to leave only for arms to tightly wrap around me. "I love you too," she mumble making me smile and turn towards her. "I love you more. I got to go," I breathe kissing both of her hands then left to the double doors.

My eyes never met hers after I left that room because I knew if I saw the state she was in, I would be balling my eyes out. I'm going to miss her like crazy. "That's your woman?" The nurse ask walking me down to a comfortable looking room. 

"Soon," I lied remembering the plan. "By time you unpack, it should be lights out," he mumble earning a small nod. "Thank you," I mumble loving the spacious room. 

I even have my own shower! No more peeping women and no more eyes on me as I wash my ass. I put my girls pictures up then kissed them both. "I got to do this for myself too," I mumble pulling out the clothes and matched the outfits I'm going to wear in the cubby holes. 

"She even got me some slides," I breathe then went to throw the 'brochure' away until I saw some numbers on it. I remembered Tiffany's number but I guess she made sure I had her number. 

I saw Ashly's number too. I guess in case I can't reach Tiffany... I sat down on my bed and look at the television. "Nice," I mumble going into the bathroom and started my shower. My thoughts immediately went to Tiffany, making me sigh and press my head to the wall. 

"Six months and not twenty-five years," I encourage myself then smile. I'm going to start all the way over. I have a second chance with life and I'm going to make it right. I don't know what I did to lose my baby girl but I will be a better man. 

If Tiffany wants to start a family then I will be a better father than I was with Layla. I will take care of her more so I won't lose her like I did with Alicia. "You got this, Q," I mumble then washed myself up and changed into the perfectly size underwear and basketball short. 

"How did you get all of this right?"

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