Officer Freeman

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The last time I've been to this courthouse was when I was convicted as a murderer. The last day I saw freedom. "Right this way, Frost," a guard mumble as the shackles around my wrist and ankles rattled. 

"We're not going to the courtroom?" I ask only for them to shake their heads and guide me to a large office. The shackles on my wrists and ankles rattled as they made me sit in front of the desk. 

The same judge that sent me to twenty five years in prison motioned for me to take a seat. "Quinton Frost. You caused a lot of chaos after I sentenced you to prison," he said making me frown and sit up straight. 

"I'm sorry? I haven't caused any conflict during my whole time in prison," I truthfully informed him then remembered what happened before I was sent here. "Well, that was until today," I sigh letting my head fall in shame.

The sound of writing made me look up and see him writing on a piece of paper. "Yes, I've been informed. This is all over a simple picture being torn, correct?" He ask causing me to glare at him and clench my jaw. 

"That simple picture was the only picture I have of my daughter, your honor," I voiced trying to sound as calm as possible. He nodded his head and began writing again. 

He turned a monitor towards me and there stood me fighting D. "You killed her!" I hear myself yell while fighting off the other guards who tried to stop me from killing her. 

I look away and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I completely lost it and I was sent back to the day that he killed her. I understand if you don't want me to attend the program anymore," I frown bending down to scratch my eyebrow.

A soft chuckle made me look up and see him staring at me while sliding a paper over to me. "Son, I don't believe you are a criminal. You let anger consume your intensions. Legally, your actions were wrong which made you end up here but with this program, I truly believe you will learn to control your anger so you can get your life back. I checked your background and you don't have a single ticket. Get your life back, son," he rant which made me truly happy as I read over the contract. 

"I will," I mumble satisfied with everything that I read then signed my name. 

He nodded his head and took the contract and made copies of it. He gave me a copy then reached his hand out for me to shake. "Thank you," I mumble shaking his hand proudly. "One question, Mr. Frost," he voiced while stopping me from standing up.

"Yes, your honor?" I reply waiting for his question. "Do you remember anyone by the name of Tiffany?" He ask which made me quickly remember the plan. "No sir. I haven't heard that name since high school. Use to be friends with her until I left for college and my mom always loved her before she passed. Never seen her since," I shrug while he leaned against his desk with squinted eyes.

"What about Freeman?" He ask which made me tilt my head. "I only know Officer Freeman and Morgan Freeman," I chuckle which earned a laugh from him also. "You're free to go, Frost," he chuckle earning a small nod. "Pack your things, Frost. You're leaving today," he said before I left from his office. 

I nodded my head and happily left his office. I wanted to jump in joy from this huge offer but I don't want the guards to think that I was trying to escape or something. 

They took me back to the prison and I for sure enjoyed the ride, seeing other people that's not wearing the same prison outfit as me. I never knew I would miss seeing restaurants, children playing, and old couples going for their walks. 

It didn't last long as I hope because I was back at the prison. "Pack your things, Frost. You're heading to Hope-Works Fellowship," an officer's voice boomed through the corridors while I went through the metal detector. 

Officer FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now