Chapter IX: Car Ride

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As soon as I got in the car, my life was in danger. "Jesus, Tiffany!" I mumble as she pressed on the gas to back up from the parking spot. "Wha- oh come on! We're still in the parking lot of the prison!" She huff while Partee was cracking up.

I don't know what's funny! She literally meant it when she said my life would be in danger! "Baby, don't speed, alright? Nice and easy," I coached only for her to roll her eyes and grab my hand. 

She placed it on her lap, making me smile and rub her inner thigh. "Alright, so the reason I'm not working anymore is because I can't be there for your progress if you're going to be with me after the six months. That would cause conflict so they told me to resign here and work with CPS," she said leaning back and prop a leg on the seat.

We're going to die!

"What's CPS?" I ask rubbing my thumb on her inner thigh. "Child Protection Services. I didn't want to be the person to get the kids so luckily the front desk receptionist was open and I had no problem taking that. Oh, Ash! There looking for someone at the Department of Human Services. Pass me my back pack," she said taking both hands off the wheel.

My hand quickly grabbed the wheel while staring at the road. "The road, babe!" I screeched stirring the car. She let out a giggle then searched through her bag. "Here you go," she mumble giving Ms. Partee the folder then placed her bag behind my seat. 

"Thank you, papi," she snickered placing her hands on the wheel then pecked my cheek. 

I slouched in my seat and smirk at the nickname she just gave me. "What you call me?" I ask licking my lips. She glanced to me then immediately began blushing. "Shut up," she mumble pushing my head away. 

"You're lucky you're driving," I chuckle turning the radio on. She turned it down then handed me the phone. "You've been given an parole officer. He will call to make sure we're on our way to the facility. Let's hope that you have a laid back parole officer," she breathe earning a small nod as I turn the phone on and hook it up to her phone stand.

We reached for the radio at the same time, causing our hands to touch. "Great minds think alike," I winked resting my hand on thigh again. "How long is this drive?" I ask making them both look at me then sigh. 

"Seven hours and some change," Ms. Partee whine. "And I forgot to get snacks," Tiffany pout. 

"I would offer to pay but I don't have- hold on," I mumble going inside my coat pocket. "Mama always told me to have my ID and money on me. The only exception is my ID if I'm running from someone," I chuckle then pulled out the familiar green card. 

I smile then reached between Tiffany's leg and grabbed her phone. "Are we with the same bank?" I ask watching her glance to my card then smile while putting her code in where I can see. 

Honestly I didn't mean to see because she put it in right there in front of my face. "We are. I have the app," she mumble as I see it and put in my account information. "Yes!" I whisper shout seeing my money is still in here. 

"I need gas," Tiffany mumble as I gave her the phone back. "You saw my code?" She ask earning a slow nod. "Yeah, you did it right there," I mumble as she turned to a gas station. "Remember it," she whisper then went to open her door.

"What are you doing?" I ask while opening my door. "Me and Ash needs to change clothes. It will blow our cover if I appear there dressed as a prison officer," she snickered as they grabbed their bags.

The phone began ringing, making me quickly grab it. "Good afternoon, am I speaking to Quinton Frost?" A deep voice mumble as I went around and open the ladies doors. "Yes, that's me," I said grabbing Tiffany's hand and pull her to me. 

"Great. I am your parole officer, Jones, and I see that you should be heading towards Hope-Works?" He ask earning a small hum. "Yes sir," I corrected as I motioned to which one her car uses. "No need to be so formal. I'm pretty laid back as long as you don't violate your parole. I will be arriving there tomorrow to discuss more about it during the six months and after. I am tracking your location seeing you're at the gas station. If you are going to get food, just let me know seeing how far of a drive you have. And last, I will call again around five or six to make sure you're still around the phone, got it?" He ask as I pump the gas. 

"Got it," I breathe filling the tank up. "Great. This is the first time this ever happened with a murderer," he mumble then hung up. I frowned and put the phone in my pocket while taking my suit jacket off. 

Tiffany and Ms. Partee's laughter made me peak around the gas pump and see them coming towards me with adorable dresses on. "You ladies look adorable," I smile watching them look at me while blushing. 

"Thank you, baby. You know you didn't have to pump the gas, right?" She ask reaching for the pump to take from her car. 

I smacked her hand away then pointed towards the car. "Get your fine ass in the car. The hell I look like having you pumping the gas?" I chuckle opening the door for her, only for Ms. Partee to get in. 

"Please tell me you drive safer than her?" I ask which made her smirk and close the door. I pulled Tiffany close to me then pecked her lips. "Let me get the door for you," I mumble guiding her to the passenger side and open it for her. 

She smiled then thanked me while slyly running her hand down my stomach. I got in the back then sat in the middle. 

Partee most definitely drive safer than Tiffany so I was able to lean my head back. "I like to have it cold so," Ms. Partee said turning the air on max while Tiffany went in her bag and wrapped herself up in the blanket.

Why is she so cute?

I bit my lip and got the phone out of my pocket. I put it back on the stand, knowing one of them would tell me if he's calling. "My parole officer is chill. Even though he's bewildered that the judge is allowing a murderer to go through this," I sigh then saw Tiffany head snap back at me. 

She unraveled the blanket from around her body and tossed it in my face. I pulled it off my face and saw the passenger seat empty. I look to my right and there she was glaring at me. "Shit!" I shout jumping while holding my hand to my chest. 

"Warn me when you start doing some ninja shit," I joked but I don't believe she found it funny. She plucked my forehead then gripped my jaw. "You're not a murderer. Murder is killing someone without an valid excuse. Yes you did it unlawfully but he killed your daughter. Stop thinking you're a criminal," she frowned pulling me closer to her.

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