Officer Freeman

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The last time we went to sleep was yesterday and I wish we did get some sleep before Tiffany went into labor. She insisted that I get some sleep but anything could happen if I close my eyes. "Can you lay your head right here?" She ask patting the bed.

I quickly laid my head down and kept my hand on her stomach. Her fingers ran through my locs making me sigh and fight my sleep. "Go to sleep, baby. I will not have these babies until you're up," she whisper making me frown but let sleep still took over.

Knocking at the door made me get up and see Tiffany finally sleeping. I slowly got from under her hand then rush to the door. I opened it and saw Ashly, Cory, along with her mom and dad. "Hey, she's sleeping so can you keep it down a little?" I ask as they came in and nod their head.

"Looks like you need to get some sleep, Q," Cory chuckled as I got back in my chair. "She tricked me to falling asleep," I mumble then saw her move in discomfort. The medicine kicked in so I guess she's haven't dilated too much. 

Maybe I spoke too soon because she woke up and gripped my hand. She moaned in pain but kept her eyes closed. "Deep breaths, beautiful," I whisper placing a kiss on her belly. 

She sat up then finally opened her eyes. "Uh uh, I think I need to-" she breathe then turned her head towards her friends and family. "Push!" She squeaked then gripped my shirt while starting to sweat and take deep breaths. 

"Get the fucking doctor!" She shout making me quickly press the button multiple times. "Well, I see we came at the wrong time. See you later, sis," Ashly mumble coming over and kiss her cheek. 

The doctor came in as soon as her mom and dad kissed her and told her that they will see her later. "Let's see," she hum getting in a chair as many nurses came in.

Oh God, it's time.

"Yeah, they're crowning. Deep breaths and relax your body to prevent tearing," she said as I held her hand. "I can't deliver the baby differently?" She ask which made the doctor bite the inside of her cheek and nod. 

"Alright, can I get dad to sit here?" Dr. Garcia said allowing me to sit and look at the doctor. "You're going to play an important part during this labor, Mr. Frost. You will have to hold her as she squat and deliver this baby," she said placing stuff at my feet while Tiffany took deep breaths.

She quickly and painfully waddled to me then squat. "It's coming. This shit hurts so bad!" She grunt. This is so different, I never actually been apart of a labor. "You're doing so good, beautiful," I whisper as she leaned back and took deep breaths.

"Alright, its time to push, Tiffany," the doctor voiced and she let out a very loud scream while pushing. "Push, push, push," the doctor said and I lost all feeling in my hand from how tight she gripped my wrist. 

I kissed her head and made sure to whisper smooth words in her ear to encourage her to push and keep taking deep breaths. "Almost there, Tiffany. One more push," the doctor said and her entire body began shaking from how much she's pushing. 

A loud cry surrounded me, making me smile and see the doctor hold up our baby girl. "Kamiya is here, baby," I smile as she lean her head back and pant. "Killian is coming," she mumble while gripping my hands. 

"You're doing great, baby. Don't stop now," I whisper kissing her head. Another five minutes of pushing and breathing until our baby boy finally came. "Oh my God!" She pant leaning back on me in complete exhaustion. 

I was able to cut it from the position I was in and I was so happy to see our babies healthy. "Tiffany?" I called with a wide smile on my face. She didn't reply which made me quickly move her a little and see her watching the babies getting cleaned. "You scared me for a second, T," I breathe placing my head to hers.

"Alright, we got the placenta out now lets get you in bed so you can hold your babies," I hear and I was quick to pick her up and lay her in the bed. "You did amazing, baby. Our babies look so healthy," I rant as she slowly look at me tired. 

The way her eyes glossed over made me peck her lips and let the nurses put our swaddled babies on her chest. "We had our babies, Q," she cry placing her hands on the back of their heads shakily. 

All three of them are actually here. I have my woman and my babies. And my babies are coming home with me! Tiffany look up at me with her most beautiful smile. "What now?" She asks as I admire our baby girl and baby boy. 

"We get married then live our life," I reply then peck her lips. "I love you so much," she mumble then kissed the babies head. "I love you three so much. I have a family again," I voice waiting to hold my peanuts.

Officer FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now