Chapter XXI: Kamiya and Killian

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Your boy is out that damn hospital and better than ever. With the video, it took no time for Joshua to go to prison. He's in there for life. Assault and battery on me and Tiffany who is now nine months pregnant. Well a little over. 

"You still can't sleep?" Tiffany ask coming in the room and stood by my side. Her hand went over the scar, making me look over to her and let out a breath of air. "Ten days and its only a scar," she snickered as I rubbed her belly. 

I puckered my lips, making her smile and peck my lips. She suddenly pulled away, then held her stomach. "Baby, that was fifth contraction this hour," she mumble and I immediately sat up. "Yup, I'm getting the diaper bag. Let's get you in a gown," I chirped getting out of bed and put on my grey joggers and a white t shirt. 

She slipped on the long gown and slid on her slides. I had our bag of clothes and the babies diaper bag. The car seats has been in the car for over two weeks so we've been prepared for what's to come. 

I'm still scared though. I need both Tiffany and my babies to come back home. "Come on, beautiful. Let's get you to the hospital," I mumble as we exit our room and went out the door. Wet water hitting the ground made me and Tiffany freeze. 

"My water just broke," she gasp as I rushed to the car and grab a towel. "Come on, beautiful. Let's get you to the hospital," I breathe going to her and cleaned her legs. She tightly held my hand as I helped her in the car. I got in the driver's side then held took a deep breath. 

Please, God. Let all three come back. Please!

I started the car and slid her hand into mine. "It's two in the fucking morning! Why now!" She ask aggressively then leaned her head back. "I know. I'm here," I smile then grabbed the phone and FaceTime Cory. 

"Nigga, it's two in the morning!" He grumble only for Tiffany to snatch the phone and put her face all in the camera. "Well wake the fuck up. Ashly promised to be there when I have my babies!" She scolded and it went silent. 

I tapped on the wheel happily yet I was still scared as shit. "You're having the baby? Like dead ass?" He ask but Tiffany let out a squeal and gripped my hand. "Quinton, hurry!" She cry out then took deep breaths. 

"Bae, wake up! Tiffany is about to have the baby!" He shout as I focus on the road. "My babies coming," I hum happily. "Deep breaths, beautiful. You're doing amazing," I smile kissing her hand. 

She smiled and gripped my hand for comfort. We finally arrived to the hospital then I got out and grabbed our bags. I then went to Tiffany and helped her out the car. "Come on, beautiful," I smile as she look up at me with a worried expression.

We entered the hospital and she quickly went to the desk. "Uh, my water broke and I really need to get a room," she winced while grabbing my hand and took deep breaths. The nurse nodded tiredly then made her sign some stuff. 

We waited a minute then a nurse came in with a wheel chair. "Do you know the gender?" The nurse ask wheeling her to the elevator. "Yeah, we're having a boy and a girl," Tiffany hum excitedly as I watch the numbers go up. 

Fourth floor.

We got off and I quickly noticed the surrounding as we go to a room. Twenty-two B. We went in the room and a nurse was already there messing around with some type of machinery. "Oh, you're fast," the nurse said that was with us. 

"Yeah, surprisingly there was no one else having a baby this hour," the random nurse giggle as I help her up and help her into the hospital gown. "You feeling alright, baby?" I ask watching her eyes meet mine. 

She nodded then got in bed and took a deep breath. "I'm scared," she whisper as the nurses hooked her to everything. "I know I've been telling you not to be scared because she didn't make it but I've been scared for this past month, Quinton," she mumble which made me quickly wipe her tears and kiss over her face. 

"You will be alright, nugget. You and the peanuts are coming back home with me," I whisper pulling her hair up into a large puff. "Promise?" She ask as I glance to the nurses that was watching us. 

"I promise, beautiful. Just keep practicing on your breathing and prepare to push our peanuts out," I smile as she nod and close her eyes. I went around the room and placed our bags on the large couch. 

The sounding of two heartbeats made me look up and smile. "Would you like to keep this on? This seems to calm both of you down," the nurse smile earning a quick nod. "Thank you," Tiffany mumble as I went over to her and smile. "Oh, can I just receive the medicine? I don't want epidural," she mumble as I took a seat and watch her intently. 

She's been healthy this whole pregnancy so she should be alright. I rubbed her feet, seeing her go to close her eyes but they opened as soon as another contraction occurred. A doctor came in and I smile realizing who it is. 

"Hello, Ms. Freeman. I see you're due any moment. Let me check and see how dilated you are while you take the medicine," she chirped as I nod and watch Tiffany take deep breaths. "You're doing amazing. You need anything?" I ask rubbing her belly slowly.

She shook her head then placed her arms over her face. "Your dick can stay over there," she breathe as a nurse gave her some medicine to take. "You sure about that?" I ask softly which made her intensely glare at me. 

My lips tightly perched at her strong glare while my hands went back to rubbing her stomach. "You're only six centimeters which means its the size of a can. Once you get to ten, then we will begin pushing," I hear and imagined her cervix being that size. 

Goosebumps formed on my skin and I immediately shivered. "I will never complained about you having period cramps. You vagina is about to stretch to push two babies out," I cringed as she look at me then shook her head. 

"Quinton, baby?" She called rubbing my arm. "Yeah?" I reply. "You're not helping," she smiled then took deep breaths. 

I pout and began massaging her body as she helplessly lay there in labor.  

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