Officer Freeman

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Tiffany Freeman

Six months, Tiffany. That's all. You got this. "Ready to go?" Ashly ask making me blink a few times then nod. "Yeah, is Walmart still open?" I ask seeing it's around nine. 

She look at me with a raised eyebrow as I grabbed the keys from her. "They should close at ten. Why are we going to Walmart?" Ashly ask as I got in the driver's side. "I've been off birth control for a week," I mumble seeing his suit jacket in the backseat. 

I grabbed it and folded it, feeling cards fall from it onto my lap. It was his bank card and his ID. "He looks handsome," I mumble showing her his license. She let out a hum as I placed his cards in the armrest. 

The car starting made me sigh and grip the wheel with both hands. "Wait, I just realized what you said," she said turning her body towards me. I started driving while propping a leg up on the seat. "Yeah, I know I should tell him which I will. I didn't expect for us to have sex in the car while you was driving," I blushed glancing to her only to see her smirking.

"I wasn't expecting that either, but by the way you was squeezing my hand let me know he was putting it down!" She gassed while I covered my heated cheeks with my hands. "He was. He was fucking me to good and now my hand prints all on the windows," I mumble watching her snap her head to the back.

"Jesus!" She laughed then gave me a high five. As weird as our friendship is, this is a normal thing. Well, it's usually reversed because I was too embarrassed with Joshua. He always went too rough but at the same time he wasn't hitting it right. I only stayed with him because he was emotionally there for me... That was until that night I caught him cheating.

Heartbreak of a century but I stupidly stayed with him. After that, he became a different person. He always brought up how he cheated on me and how desperate I was when I forgave him. He became so emotionally abusive until I actually broke down in front of Ashly and her boyfriend. 

She made me dump him which he was not happy about at all. That was our first time fighting and the last. Every since we broke up, he complained how I never came and how terrible I was in bed which made me not want to date for a while until I met Quinton. 

Joshua made me feel so insecure about my body that I actually started to believe him. Quinton is slowly proving him wrong every time we have sex. It's not just sex any more. Every since that first night in his cell, I knew it was more than that. 

The way he kissed me and gripped my body all the while being so rough and talking dirty to me just let's me know that he puts his all into it. Sometimes, he just wants to pleasure my body with no favor needed and that's one thing I don't understand. 

I see the erection he has after devouring me yet he says it's just his treat. He's making love to me and I don't regret not a single thing. "Bestie, you good?" Ash call while waving her hand in front of me. 

I blinked a few times then began blushing like a fool. "Ou, give me the details," she chirped as I parked at Walmart. "I was just thinking about how much Quinton is better with me," I mumble getting out and made sure I had my card on me. 

"As fast as you two are moving, I think he's way better than Joshua dumb ass. The way he stares at you when you're not looking is so cute," she said making me smile and wrap my arms around myself.

I glanced to her as I pull her to the pharmacy side of Walmart. "It's the way he holds me and kiss on me. The amount of times he ate me out and didn't want anything after was mind boggling, but he always tell me that it was his treat," I rant looking for the Plan B tablets. 

"I mean, the sex is amazing but when he really go slow with it and talk me through it. It just makes me even more crazy about him," I breathe spotting the box and quickly grab it. 

Ashly nudged me, making me look at her and blush from my rant. "Girl, you're in love with this man. You may have met him nine months ago, but you're in l-o-v-e," she teased while I blush and pushed her into the stack of stuffed animals. 

She began struggling to get out which made me bend over and laugh. "Omg, are you okay?" I laugh helping her out while she glare at me. "You're an asshole!" She gasp then pulled me to self-checkout. 

"I love you too, bestie," I chirp grabbing a water then went to a checkout. "Card only," a worker said earning a small nod from me. "We got a long drive, sis," Ashly sigh which made me pout and nod my head.

We made it outside and I was quick to open the box and pop a pill. "Damn, Tiff!" She laugh as I chug the water down. "I'm not about to be pregnant while he's gone for six months. The only place his kids are staying are in my throat," I sassed clutching my keys while she gasped and smacked my arm.

"Dick making you bold, huh?" Ash ask while I suck my teeth and got in the car. "His dick, yes," I answered pulling off from the parking lot then onto the highway. 

Ashly let out a sigh and turned the music down. "Don't get hurt, Tiff," she mumble making me look at her and open my mouth to tell her I won't. "I'm serious, sis. You're already in love with him after meeting him just nine months ago. I was hesitant after finding out your relationship until I actually saw how you two react to each other. You're actually happy with him but I will still have my suspicions until I see how he is when you two have your first argument," she said as I glance to her questioningly. 

Her sigh made me slow down from speeding a little and focus on her and the road. "I need to see how he behaves if you two get into an argument. If he raise an hand then he's gone. If he belittle you in any type of way, he's gone," she said and I quickly raised an finger.

"Sex is the only exception," I mumble leaning back and prop my elbow up on the armrest. Ashly glanced to me then shook her head with a proud look.

"Just a freak."

Officer FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now