Chapter XI: Quinton Frost

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"Mr. Frost, time for breakfast!" I hear someone shout as I watch TV. "Alright, thank you," I mumble getting up and fixed my bed. I brushed my teeth then put on some comfortable clothes. "Thank you, baby," I smile at the matching slides. 

I went out and saw people sitting in a room. I walked in and saw everyone turn towards me. "Damn," I mumble rubbing my chin and took a seat on the couch as some people play on a game. 

Some dude sat next to me then held his hand out. "Name is Quincy," he mumble earning a small nod as I shook his head. "Quinton," I mumble then saw a nurse come in. "When everyone take their medicine then we can go get breakfast," he chirp then left out the room.

People names where being called then we were made to get in a line. We were heading to what I'm assuming is the cafeteria and I saw some kids. "She's fine," I heard making me snap my head to one of the men. 

"Those are children," I snap which caused everyone to look at me. I bald my fist up then shook my head. "Sick bastard," I mumble then went inside the cafeteria. "Watch your back, newbie," the masculine man said until someone whispered in his ear.

His posture softened then he kept glancing at me. "The hell you looking at?" I ask trying not to see the image of my daughter being carried in the garbage bag. I took a deep breath and got my food. 

I can't cause no problems if I want to get out of here in six months. I really need to change so I can be with Tiffany. "You're the one who murdered a man, right?" Quincy ask earning a slow nod. "I had my reason," I mumble eating my food while looking around. 

This isn't prison, Q. Control yourself!

My body relaxed and I moved from my plate. "Prison really messed me up," I laugh slouching in my seat and ate my breakfast which was amazing. "How long did you stay?" Quincy ask once I finished.

"Nine months," I reply as I hear loud laughter. "Damn, and you out already?" He ask only for me to smirk and think about Tiffany. "I had good behavior and a lot of people in the community believe my justification of killing that man was right. I personally don't think it was right but I don't regret it," I sigh seeing him nod his head.

"Why did you kill him, if you don't mind me asking?" He asks and I was about to reply until a nurse told us it's time for us to eat. "Let's go, gentlemen. Have daily talk today," I hear and I was completely confused about it.

We walked to back to our area and rested for a minute until it was time to get up and go again. We went into a very spacious room and took a seat at tables. "Hello, everyone. My name is Dr. Matt. I see we have someone new today," his deep voice boomed over everyone's talking which made the room go silent quickly.

Dr. Matt motioned for me to stand and I did hesitantly. "Name is Quinton or Q for short," I said watching him nod. "What are you here for?" He ask writing on the board. 

"I murdered a man," I said truthfully which I guess shocked everyone in the room. Dr. Matt turned towards me then cleared his throat. "Would you like to elaborate?" He ask motioning me in front of the room. 

The more you participate, the better these six months will be.

I walked to the front then stuffed my hands in my pockets. "My daughter was two years old before my only friend killed him. He took her life so I took his life with my bare hands. Got sentence to twenty five years but the judge said I can get my life back because he don't believe I'm a killer. I'm not. I let my anger consume my actions," I spoke feeling like I've repeated this so many times.

Dr. Matt nodded his head and let me take my seat. "Well, do anyone have anything positive to say to encourage him to change his life around in a positive direction?" He ask and I raised my hand. "Oh, uh, yes?" He nervously said as I lean on my desk.

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