Officer Freeman

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After Tiffany drilling that I'm not a murderer in my head, she stayed back while Ms. Partee drove and munch on her food. I was eating on Tiffany's snacks with her since she decided to get some of my favorites. "Okay, but any of his movies and plays are guaranteed to be amazing," she said while I scratch my eyebrow.

"Babe, I never seen any of his movies or plays. You said its a grown man dressing up as a sixty-something year old lady and she always running from the police but give good advice?" I ask completely confused by all of this.

She giggled then pulling up one of his plays. "This is his last play but it was absolutely hilarious. The best parts of his plays is when he break out of character by laughing," she snickered starting the play while I laid back and pull her close to me.

"Our first car date," I snickered pecking her on her cheek. "Suck his dick for me too, Tiff," Ms. Partee said making me laugh and shake my head. "You two have a weird relationship, Ms.-" I started only for her to hit the breaks.

My arms tighten around Tiffany instantly, preventing her from falling to the floor. "I know you were not about to call me, Ms. Partee. You're dating my bestfriend. Ash or Ashly will do," she shivered turning back to the road and started driving again. 

"My fault," I chuckled turning back to Tiffany as she started the play. "It's on the phone, not my face," she smirked only for me to suck my teeth and pull her more on me. "I'm just admiring my woman," I mumble getting under her blanket.

We began watching many movies and plays and she was absolutely right about the producer. "This is gold," I laugh then look out to see it's getting dark. Soon the phone rung, making me sit up with Tiffany and answer the phone.

"I'm just checking. Have a great night, Frost," he mumble then hung up. 

I shrugged then put it back and turned my attention back to Tiffany. "Hey," I smile sitting back and rub my stubbled chin. I felt a poke to my side, causing me to jerk and look at Tiffany. "You're ticklish," she giggle biting her lip.

"We can fight," I chuckle only for her to push my head. I grabbed her by her throat and pulled her to me. "You love trying me, huh?" I ask watching her bite her lip and nod. 

The way she was biting her lip made me crave to bite on them myself. I leaned close to her lips and I felt her tongue graze my lips. "You're a little freak," I smirk only for her to pout at me while glancing to my lips.

I pressed my lips to hers then slipped my tongue in her mouth. She leaned back and let me lay between her legs. Jesus, she's wearing a dress! Easy access. I tried to ignore my thoughts but she began grinding against me. 

Luckily it was dark so I don't think Ashly could see us. She grabbed my hand then shoved two of my fingers in her mouth. My pants was becoming so tight as she wrapped her tongue around my fingers so sexually that I had to use every muscle in my body to hold my entire upper body up and unbutton my pants with my other hand. 

Her tongue stopped sucking on my fingers, allowing me to move them between her legs. I yanked her panties to her knees then let one of her legs slip though. 

While she was working her panties off, my fingers where already working on her clit. "Shit," she gasp making me glance to Ashly then back to my woman. "Shh, don't be so loud," I whisper as her feet tugged my pants down. I used the blanket to keep us covered so I can really get to work without exposing our goods. 

Her hand was suddenly wrapped around my dick and began stroking. "Come here," she giggle as I bask in the pleasure. My fingers slipped into her, causing her to gasp and grip my hand. "Sorry, love," I mumble leaning down and peck her lips.

I lifted my shirt up and held it up with my teeth as I slowly slid into her. "Shit, baby, wait," she voiced loudly making me cover her mouth and slowly slide the rest of me in her. I pulled out then slowly slid back into her. "How are you this tight?" I whisper in her ear while she felt on my abs. 

My teeth let my shirt go as I held my mouth slightly open from how good she was holding me. She was already trying to get an orgasm out of me and it hasn't been a minute yet. I'm not going out like that, especially when she tell Ashly everything. "Fuck, you're trying to make me cum already," I whisper against her lips.

She shoved her tongue in my mouth, trying to muffle her moans. Her hands was trying to grip on to something which caused smears all over her back windows. I began kissing down her neck while her fingers moved from the window to my locs. "Quinton," she moan which sent me completely over the edge. "Shit, Tiffany," I groaned in her neck but I didn't stop. 

"Get your nut, baby," I whisper going all the way in and made it jump, knowing it sends her completely crazy. "It's- oh, my God," she gasp as I started getting hard again. 

I couldn't help it! The way her hips rolled to meet my thrust and the way she wrapped her strong legs around me to make me stay in just turned me on all over again. "Turn around," I grunt pulling out then lift up, only for my head to hit the roof. 

"Got damn," I groan while she laugh and arch her back. "It's funny?" I ask tapping my dick against her ass cheeks. "Very," she mumble then let out a low squeal once I slid in her. "How funny?" I ask wrapping my hand around her throat with one hand while holding myself up with the other. 

Her hand was on the tinted windows, making me smirk and reach for the other only to see her holding Ashly's hand. "You two are so weird," I chuckle then shrugged and went back to work. This orgasm is taking a little longer and I know Tiffany is holding hers even though she claimed to not cum so quick. 

"You still haven't told me how fucking funny," I grunt choking her slightly while tilting her head back so I can shove my tongue in her mouth. These backshots are driving her insane with how much she clench and unclench me.

Out of no where she let out a loud moan and bit on my bottom lip. "It's so fucking funny! Oh. My. God!" She moan about to release. "Don't you dare cum. I'm not there yet," I groan choking her which stopped her from breathing for a couple of seconds. 

"Papi," she whimper so lowly but I still heard it and that immediately made me close. "Fuck, that sounds so sexy, mami," I moan in her ear which caused her to curse so loudly and immediately release on me. 

Her body was shaking as I held her down so she can catch all of my seed. "You're driving me crazy," she giggle as I finally pulled away and smacked her round ass of hers. 

I saw her finally let Ashly's hand go so I happily cleaned her up and put her panties back on her. I fixed my pants after cleaning our cum off my dick. I prefer for her to suck it off but it would start something and I believe Ashly had her show for the night. 

"You good, baby?" I ask sitting up while she lay against me and let out a hum. "Put that ass to sleep," Ashly snickered while I relaxed and held her in my arms. 

My head was tilted down then my lips were placed on Tiffany's. "I love you so much," she whisper against my lips. "I love you too, beautiful," I smile then took a nap with her but I still heard Ashly mumble something under her breath.

"Don't hurt her like he did, Quinton."

Officer FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now