Chapter XVIII: Extra Surprise

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One thing that I learned about T is... She don't play about her food and she do not like to wake up early. "Come on, beautiful. We got to get ready for your appointment," I mumble rubbing her large baby bump. 

My smile widen every time I see her and her belly. "Hakeem, move," she grumble while I kiss over her neck. "Come on, babe. Don't you want to go see how healthy our baby is?" I ask which made her lift her head up.

That beautiful smile was slowly coming on display which made me smile and stare at her. Her head fell down to the pillow and a soft sigh escaped her soft lips. "What time is it?" She ask stretching then turned to her side.

My hand instinctively went to her bump. "Its larger than normal," she mumble placing her hand on top of mine. "Yeah?" I ask pulling her to me. 

She hummed then reached over behind me and grabbed my phone. "We got to get up," she sigh then straddled my lap. "I would kiss you but our breath stink from last night's dinner," she smile while I sat up and pressed my head to her chest. 

"I know," I simply mumble with my raspy chuckle. Her hands ran through my locs, allowing me to lean in and kiss her throat. "Come on," she huff getting off of me. I sat up, propped on my elbows so I can enjoy watching her walk to the bathroom.

"Hakeem!" My tempered woman shout as she started the shower. I smirked and quickly went into the bathroom before she come out here and beat my ass. I discarded my clothes then slowly made my way into the shower. "Bout time," she mumble passing me my rag.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and kiss her shoulder. "When will I have to stop showering with you?" I mumble watching her turn around and tilt her head. "What the hell, Q? Why would you stop showering with me?" She ask as I lather my towel in soap. 

"Pregnant women needs to shower by themselves in case they need to exfoliate their private areas," I told her while rinsing myself off. 

She suddenly started letting out her cute snorts while leaning on the wall. "Who told you that?" She ask placing her hands on my shoulders. "Layla's mother," I mumble then saw her shake her head with a smile plastered on her face.

"Papi, she lied to you. You can always shower with me. I might need your help when my belly grow some more," she informed me while trying to stifle her laughter. I squint my eyes knowing that this woman told me that every pregnant woman has to do this.

Unless you was annoying her, dumbass.

My ears began to heat up, making me quickly finish my shower and hop out. "Baby, you okay?" Tiffany ask as I wrapped the towel around my waist and nod my head. 

Her hands suddenly touched my back then slowly trail up to my shoulders. "No, what's wrong?" She asks again. I shook my head as a response then dried myself off. My hand was grabbed and I saw tears in her eyes. "Did I do something?" She sniffle which made me pull her to me and kiss over her face.

"You did absolutely nothing wrong," I coo then lifted her on the bed. I put on my underwear then grabbed her outfit she chose to wear. Of course we decided to match like we always do. People like to try shit so matching outfits is always the way.

We don't match identically but our outfit go together, if that makes since. "Thank you," she mumbles while sniffing roughly. "This is what I'm suppose to do, mami. I'm taking care of you," I mumble grabbing her lotion and quickly massaged it onto her soft skin. 

She let out a sigh then put on her bra and top while I help her into her pants. "Thank you, baby. Now get dressed," she chirped while jumping down from her bed. I watch in confusion at the sudden change of her emotions. "Pregnancies sure do fuck with the hormones," I chuckle.

I got dressed and grabbed our phones and her purse. "You ready, T?" I shout walking straight to the kitchen and see her eating on her sub sandwich. Yes, we had sub sandwiches for dinner. None of us felt like cooking a lot so we decided on the delicious subs. 

Our eyes are truly bigger than our stomachs. "Ready to go?" I ask leaning over and bite her food. A hard smack was placed on the side of my head, making me chuckle and happily chew her food. "You're buying me more food," she grumbles grabbing her purse and look up at me.

"I was going to buy you food anyways, sweetheart," I laugh opening the door for her. She let out a hum and continued to eat her food while I locked the door.

I drove her to the doctors while she took notice of my happy attitude. "You seem excited," she smile as I parked the car. "Of course I am. How are you not?" I ask sitting back and turn her head towards me. "We're going to have many more of these, Quinton," she giggle while rolling her eyes.

Once again, my cheeks are heating up. "Right," I cough then got out and opened the door for her. "Thank you, handsome," she mumble grabbing her purse. I closed the door behind her and locked the doors, pulling her to me with a proud smile on my face.

I opened the doors to the building, seeing other women and couples sit around. I smiled at them then walked behind Tiffany. She signed her name and checked that she had the appointment at this time. "First time?" The nurse ask earning a nod from the both of us.

She gave Tiffany an clipboard and a pen, allowing her to grab my hand and pull me to a seat. She sat down first, allowing me to sit and place an arm behind her. "That's a lot of shit," I mumble then felt a soft tap to my stomach. 

"We're not at home, Q," she scolded softly while I smile and lean close to her. "I know. We would be in bed still sleeping right now," I sigh placing my right ankle on my left knee. She let out a snort then nudged me. "You're annoying," she mumbles then went back to her writing. 

I bit the inside of my cheek and went to my phone. I let her fill the papers while I play a small game. "All done," she mumbles then quickly got up. She made her way to the desk and gave the nurses the clipboard and pen.

As beautiful as she is, we need to stop annoying her. Maybe that's the reason why-

"You okay?" Tiffany ask now sitting by me again. "Of course," I smile only for her to squint her eyes and turn her body fully to me. "Stop lying," she quickly whisper while crossing her ankles. "I'm not," I grumble looking away only for her to turn my head back to her. "You are," she pout which made me sigh and look into her brown orbs.

"Do I annoy you?" I ask lowly which made her tilt her head at me. 

She stared at me for a minute before answering 'yes'. My mouth opened then closed but I just nodded my head and slouched in my seat. "But I like when you annoy me," she added in. "I would know something is wrong when you don't and I know you're still scared for me and our baby's life so I already prepared myself for my overprotective hubby," she smile while squishing my cheeks together.

All I could do is smile and let her turn my head side to side. Whatever makes her smile and safe, I'll do it. "Freeman?" I hear and I immediately stood up and held my hand out. "Here we go," she happily mumble while getting up. 

Her hand laced with mine and we both followed the nurse to a small room. "Afternoon, Ms. Freeman. I see you're here for an ultrasound," she said earning a eager nod from me. "I'm going to guess this is the father?" She ask earning another eager nod.

Tiffany sat on the small bed-like table while I sat in a chair as the nurse did a small checkup on her. It honestly took a minute before the gel was actually whipped out to start this whole process.

During that time, I sat back and stared off into space. I was going to be on my phone but that would seem disrespectful if I pull it out and start playing a game on it. 

I saw the gel and I immediately perk up. "Lift up your shirt then we can see what we have going on in here," I hear while standing up. Tiffany glanced to me with a smile. These things always makes me nervous for some reason.

She placed the gel on Tiffany then used the wand and moved it around on her stomach. It always seems like they press so hard on the belly. "Here is the cute little peanut," she smile moving it around. 

"Its so small," Tiffany blushed squeezing my hand. I nod and kissed her hand while staring at the screen. She moved the wand some more then look at us. "Well, well, well. Here is baby number two," she chirped making both me and Tiffany's eyes widen.


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