Officer Freeman

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Her head turned towards the voice then let out a sigh. "What, Joshua?" She sigh turning around and his eyes immediately fell to her stomach. "You're pregnant?" He mumbles as I put my hands in my pockets. 

"Yes, is there a problem?" She asks seeing her get stressed out. "Come on, baby," I mumble against her head. "I thought you didn't want kids," he voiced as she went to the basket and grabbed her sports drink.

She took a sip while letting out a gruffy laugh. "You didn't want kids, Joshua. I did. I've told you that plenty of times but you was too busy on your phone texting your hoes," she snapped. I frowned and pull her to me while taking a deep breath.

He doesn't hurt her no more, Q. Think about your woman and your babies.

"I'm sorry, Jesus," he breathe leaning against his basket. I took notice of the feminine pajamas and his phone lighting up showing 'Daisy'. The emojis behind it shows that they're definitely in a relationship. 

Tiffany slowly look to me as I look to her, knowing we both saw the same thing. "Alright, we have to finish our shopping," I finally voiced while turning Tiffany to the basket. 

He let out a sigh then called my name. "How are you out of the house with that thing around your ankle?" He ask making me laugh and stuff my hands in my pockets some more. "It's call following directions and doing what I got to do for my woman and kids," I winked then went to T and started walking away from him. 

"I'm so proud of you. You didn't threaten him this time," she smile which made me feel absolutely proud of myself. Hell! I'm making my woman proud which is the best feeling to be honest! "I have better things to worry about. As long as he don't hurt you or my babies, I won't touch him," I whisper in her ear while holding her waist.

A soft exhale left her lips, making me smile. "Wait, Tiffany," he called as I saw his hand go for her arm. "Don't touch my wife," I snapped smacking his hand away from her. Tiffany suddenly stopped and look up at me. 

She went to say something but Joshua stomped his foot like a little kid. "Wife? You can't possibly marry a murderer!" He shout as I slowly pulled T behind me. "I can have you put back into jail with just the call of the police," he said with a proud smirk plastered on his face.

"I didn't do anything to you. I'm just shopping with my woman," I frown folding my arms. "Me going back to jail will not make Tiffany come back to you either," I said then saw his smile fall. 

This man has gone crazy!

He went to say something else but I held my hand up. "Daisy is calling you again," I sigh watching him freeze and curse under his breath. "I'm hungry, papi," Tiffany muffles with a Pocky stick in her mouth. 

I smirk and lean down and kiss her forehead. "I'll make dinner tonight," I smile which made her wiggle and lean up on her toes. "Hopefully I can get extra for my meal," she flirt then walked away with basket. 

A low whistle left my lips as I watch her hips sway naturally. "You think you can just come in and have her?" I hear which made me turn around and back up a few steps from how close he is. 

"Believe it or not but I mended those pieces you broke. I didn't build her confidence up, but she did it herself and she found someone that she can talk to and be herself with. If you really loved her, then you wouldn't have mentally put her down like you did. Be lucky that I do have this ankle monitor on," I voiced while deepening my voice.

He gulped and look away but tried to play off his fear of me. "Leave us alone. Once we actually start our family, I will not hesitate to protect them if you try to harm them, got it?" I smile as he cleared his throat. 

"Quinton, c'mon," she whine while leaning on the basket. I quickly went to her and leaned against her. She let out a hum then leaned up. "I can feel your dick pressed against me," she breathe only for me to smirk and move back.

"You've felt on it plenty of times. That's how we got those two peanuts in your belly," I mumble walking behind her and help her push the heavy basket.

We got all of our groceries now she's walking all the way across the store. "T, why we walking so much?" I grumble looking down at my phone. "Well, honey bunch. If you look up and see, you will know," she snickered and my head immediately snapped up at the weird nickname. 

"Honey bunch?" I ask then saw the baby strollers, car seats, and beds. "Baby, I already ordered this stuff," I smile only for her to pull me to the baby clothes. "We're just looking, Q," she mumbled holding up a race car one piece for a new born boy. 

I saw a beautiful princess one piece, knowing it would look cute on her. "Babe?" We both called while turning towards each other. We look at the cute outfits then laughed. "Come on," she mumble putting the tiny clothing back then walked to the basket.

She started pushing the basket but I helped her by pulling the end of the basket. With those cases of waters on the bottom, I know its harder to push it. "They need to open more lanes," I complained as we got to the shortest line we could find. 

Long ass line.

Tiffany leaned against me then put my hand on her belly. "They're kicking, huh?" I chuckle leaning down and rub both sides of her belly. "Yeah, it feels a little weird but I'm getting use to it," she mumble then let out a sigh.

I gave her the sports drink then placed my head on her shoulder. "You alright?" I ask seeing her eyes droop a little. "You okay?" I ask again while turning her towards me. 

She let out a giggle then nuzzled into my chest. "Yes, papi. Calm down," she mumble while I sigh and rub the back of her neck. "Don't scare me like that, T," I breathe then put everything on the belt. "I'm a little tired though," she mumble holding the half empty bottle to the cashier.

We watch as the cashier raise an eyebrow then scan it nonetheless. "Okay, beautiful. Let me pay for all of this," I mumble while she lean against the basket. "We have two cases of water, also," I mumble while putting our bags in the basket.

She came around then scan the waters then froze. She look up at me then smile softly. "You're Quinton Frost. Wow," she mumble as I perched my lips and slowly nod while continuing to put the bags in the basket. 

"Y'know. I read that you killed a man for killing your daughter a year ago. Glad to see you're out," she said then glance to my woman who was slyly glaring at her. "Its a good thing to start over," she voiced while I nod and went to the card machine.

Tiffany slid her hand in mine, making me look at her from the sudden tight grip. "Have a nice day, Frost," she giggled while I nod and smile. "That was so awkward," I whisper to Tiffany only receiving an hum.

We exited the store and I quickly went to hold the door for her. "Thank you," she mumble then look around. She gripped my jaw then pulled me down to her. "I don't like how she was being all googly-eyed with my man," she mumble against my lip. 

I smirk then pecked her lips then all over her face. "I'm not going to her, mami. I love you and only you," I hum then pulled away from her. "Get in the car so I can put these groceries in."

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