Chapter 58

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From every roof jump Luffy makes throughout the city, with Zoro being carried over his shoulder like baggage, the swordsman's mind is made up that if they survive this, he'll kick his captain's ass.

Luffy doesn't notice his friend's annoyance, and is more focused on trying to find their way back to the mansion. That's a lot easier said than done when the storm is getting stronger by the second.

"LUFFY! ZORO! SANJI!" Luffy lands on a store's rooftop, from the sound of Chopper's calls to see him riding a boat that's pulled by a yagara, with a small army of carpenters riding behind him and calling the same names.

Luffy grins from ear to ear at the sight of Chopper, and calls out to him. "HEY CHOPPER!"

The small parade stops from hearing Luffy, and look up with wide eyes to see him jumping off the roof while still carrying Zoro. Chopper and the carpenters try to catch the two pirates onto their boats, but they kept bumping into each other while Luffy and Zoro landed in the water.

"Guys!" Chopper calls out to them before he jumps in to go rescue them.

"REINDEER!" The carpenters yell out to him, but before they can do anything, all three of their heads pop out of the water.

Zoro catches his breath, while carrying the two idiots on each arm.

"Come over here, we'll pull you out!" One of the carpenters shouted as he starts driving his yagara towards them.

With little to no option, he accepts the offer by swimming towards them, and throwing the devil fruit users onto the boat, before he pulls himself aboard. "Thanks."

"We should be the ones thanking you guys for saving Iceburg! Your red haired friend went to the train station. We'll take you there." The driver announces before he turns the boat around with his fellow workers following him through the waterways.

Luffy manages to recover before his doctor then starts to sit up and looks at the driver. "You said Nami went to the train station?"

"Yea, Paulie is escorting her there to try to stop the train."

"That's where Robin is?"

"That's right." Chopper answers when he sits up and looks to his captain. "We learned that Robin sacrificed herself to save us from the marines. Nami's trying to buy some time to stop them from leaving the station."

Luffy clenches his fists at the news, and gets riled up for a fight to save his friend. "Then let's go kick some ass!"

"YEA!" Chopper roars in pride, and goes into heavy point, which causes the boat to tilt from the change in weight.

"Don't turn big here!" Zoro complains before he whacks Chopper on the head for him to go back into brain point.

The boat driver doesn't bother to tell them to settle down, because he can tell that they're not the type to sit still. Instead, he focuses on the waterway ahead of him to get them to the train station as quickly as possible.

Once they make it, they widen their eyes at a big wave, that came from the other side of the train station, hitting the building.

"Oh shit!" The driver shouts when the wave gives them a gentle spray, but the same wouldn't be said for the station's platforms judging from Nami's screams being heard inside.

Luffy, Chopper and Zoro are quick to jump off the boat, and rush inside, just when the wave pulls back, and see Paulie, Nami, and two conductors laying on the floor as though they just ran for their lives. That seems to be more than true, for when the wave cleared from the station, it showed a few pillars being demolished from the water's force.

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