Chapter 47

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As soon as Luffy brought the ice statue of what used to be his crush back to the Merry, Chopper and Nami rush to the bathroom.

The rest of the crew stays outside on the deck to be on the lookout for any other enemies, except for Luffy who follows Nami and Chopper inside with Rose on his shoulder.

Chopper is the first to make it into the washroom while keeping the door open for Nami to walk in with Luffy carrying his patient right behind her. "Nami, set the water at cold, so her body doesn't crack. Luffy, place her in the tub as gentle as possible."

The captain hums in acknowledgement, before he gently sets Rose in the tub just before Nami turns on the shower to start splashing cold water on her.

Chopper grabs two buckets from under the sink and passes one to the navigator. "We need to keep splashing her to get this done faster."

"Right!" Nami grabs the bucket and starts filling it with the flowing water and splashes it back at the statue with Chopper following suit.

As they get to work on healing her, Luffy rushes out of the room with his own idea to warm her up.

In a matter of minutes, the crazy guy stumbles back in, but Nami and Chopper can't see his face from the mountain of clothes that he's carrying!

Both navigator and doctor drop their jaws at the various garments, that belong to both the guys and the girls, and drop their buckets at the sight.

"What the hell?!" Nami asks when Luffy drops the clothes.

He ignores the shock as he takes out one of his vests from the pile. "Rose once said that giving frozen people new clothes warms them up faster, so I grabbed whatever I could find!"

Chopper understands what he means, and while he's grateful for the help, that's too much. "We can't use all of that. Leave an outfit and put all the others back."

"And make sure that they're her clothes! They're warmer than your vests!" Nami points out when she sees him about to leave one of his shirts, which causes him to pout.

Nonetheless, he reluctantly leaves a sky blue, V-neck sweater, white socks, and black sweat pants before he picks up his giant pile. He doesn't bother with the straggling shirts, that threaten to fall. just when he bumps into someone.

Luffy stretches his neck up so he can peek over the clothes to see that it was Robin. "My bad Robin."

The archaeologist giggles at the sight of Luffy's rubber arms stretched around everyone's clothes with Luffy stretched over before she opens her arms out. "I can take that for you Captain-san."

"Thanks Robin!" Luffy quickly gives her the pile, before he goes back to the washroom to see if there's anything else he can do.

As soon as he's gone, the archaeologist's smile fades away as she forces herself to do her task with a tight hold on the pile. Ever since she made it back to the ship with the others, she's kept herself at a distance from the others, with her eyes on the island the whole time in fear of Aokiji coming after her.

When Luffy came back instead with their frozen crew mate, she was honestly surprised that they both came back alive. Especially when Aokiji called Rose a demon as well.

Robin clicks her tongue at the memory when she goes in the guys' room. As she drops the clothes on the floor, she starts remembering how Rose tried to get her to leave before everything happened.

The way she was trying to convince her, and how she was completely ready to protect her from Aokiji throughout the ordeal, it's like she knew exactly how she felt. Honestly, with how Aokiji called them both out before the fight, it doesn't seem that far off the mark. Still, she was completely willing to face him head on regardless of how strong he is and what he could've revealed about her to everyone. Just what exactly was it?

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