Chapter Three: Them (A3)

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She firstly wake from a comfortable sleep. She look around focusing her view to her surroundings. It took a moment before realizing where she is.


She get up, noticing her attire change. She sniff the hoodie smiling underneath. Smiling and full of energy, she firstly locate her boyfriend.

The bathroom? No. The veranda? No. The kitchen? None. And the living room? None. 'Thats weird' she thought.

She's about to look over for another place when she see caught the glimpse of blue hair in the sofa. Smirking, she carefully approached him. With the sofa's back facing her, she didn't notice but now she do.

Stiltly going, her playful smile loose. Looking at the peaceful man sleeping, her eyes unconsciously soften. Watching him sleep, she lean his head on the upper part of the sofa.

No one knows how long she's glancing at him, she only woke up from the daze when an urgent feeling to puke rise on her thrown. She quickly run to the bathroom puking the unnecessary matter on her stomache.

Puking all she ate yesterday, her nose sniff the smell of beer they had last time. 'Oh yeah, beer. I drink beer last night. Sigh, what a bad timing, I'm enjoying a view' she thought recalling Philip's handsome sleeping face.

'I'm his girlfriend. Nothing's wrong watching him sleep!' She argue to her mind when certain scenario goes around her mind.

'Ahh! Stop thinking! Stop thinking!'

After calming her mind, she stand from the bathroom floor and washing her face up that she forgot to do earlier, carried away with her boyfriend's face.

When she exist the bathroom, a glass of water she didn't notice caught her eyes. She thinks for a while, grabbing it then existing Philip's room. She observe the same sleeping face on the sofa on the living room and confirm, he's still sleeping.

"Hehe~" she chuckle in a low voice.

'Seems he prepared it yesterday' she drink the cup of water. For the past three years of relationship, she keeps on falling in love with her boyfriend. The distance and time may separate them, but every little things he do makes her loved him more.

He do know that she may be a boyish girl but she never had any bad habits. No cigarettes, no tattoo, no bad temper, and no alcohol (of course it doesn't include drugs). That's why he know that she can't handle much alcohol.

Putting away the glass at the kitchen, she grab the apron to cook them breakfast. Checking the time, it's still 6 am in the morning, still early for their plan. She open the fridge, getting all what she needed and starts cooking.


She finished cooking breakfast consisting of chopsuy, rice, and bicol express. She prepare water as beverage, nothing special.

Removing off the apron, she walks to the living room to check Philip. He's still sleeping, tired from all the work. He's body is honest when he's unwell and so are times he needs to wake up. Simply put, his body has awareness when to wake up if really needed.

Touching his hair and removing it from his face that cover his eyes, she gently did so, smiling. That smile turn to grin signifying something... playful. She then excitedly jump on his stomach, that made the man wake up from the pain.

"Ah! up!"

Truth to be told, she's really heavy. She's not fat and tall either but she's really heavy for unknown reason. Heavy than average girl, must say.

But she didn't get up, instead she lay her body making him as her bed. Thank to that however, the weight lifted quite a bit making him struggle less.

"You..." he said glaring at him.

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