Chapter Thirty-Seven: Them (E3)

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So what if I go around~

For a guy like you? Go around is something you never do without ulterior motives. What do you want in MY country?

Hm, how brave. You are entitled leader by name and usefulness, mind you own words.

Ha! Acting like a leader of a country now, are we~
Keep dreaming b*tch, like the hell I'll crawl like those people you met, leader of 'Province'.

Oh, you will kid. You will. Sooner or later, thats is~

And still a loyal dog I see. Now that the owner is not around, the dog keeps growling people around with its fangs and barks!

Its okay to joke now, KID. Joke as much as you want, I'll reduced you soon to powder.

Artifact. You're looking for some, right?


Don't be a tight lipped now, and bark.

You're getting annoying as day passed. Even disturbing some of my operation.

Your welcome~

Even so...
Know what, that I'm just one of your enemy and...
Pff! Trying your best to rose up from mud, it must be hard.

Yes, hard. So much that I'm always buried at paper work and pleasing some countries above me. But, not as bad as a certain someone~

As expected from the Sunken Islands of the Philippines. You know to pissed off people but the same as useless trashes. Such a shame, to have such a leader fallen from grace

Don't you dare bring up my leaders with that mouth of yours

How useless...Even so, trying to bring the former glory of this land, its useless. You know how low you got the moment your leader decided to do that.

Silent! Even his decease, he is still a leader. He will always be a leader no matter what he did. And like the one to talk! Your leader is worse scrap garbage here!

Ah, digging the history now are we. But did I asked? No. And he is great that people are hostile towards him.

F*ck off! Hostile? Of course, he kill leaders!!

So was yours

They're one at fault!

So was mine

Yours find no necessary reason to kill! He don't discriminate with his hand. That kind of person deserves to die. And thankfully he died.

Careful now darling, you're talking to one of his people.

Of course, you're his loyal dog after all. Even so, so what? You're going to fight me? Ha! Don't make me laugh, like you will.

Indeed I will not. Even so, this is enough as a warning.


You... Crazy b*stard!


You're welcome. I'll see you around then.





Leader, the f*ck?! Who's heart this was?! And why did you bring it here!? And where did you get it?!

Calm down

Who will be calm seeing a literal heart in a table thats looks freshly dug out unto a body?!
Don't tell me...

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