Chapter Thirty-Five: Them (E1)

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Things will work out... hopefully.

Do you dare to breath?

Why not? Cause I am

So wanting death


Then why did you do that

Cause its fun?

I don't think so that's it

You got me! Wanna guess?

If you don't wanna tell me then no.

Aww, like you as ever

Don't you think that's a problem you should think?

Not at all~
Even so, I don't mind spending my time on this

Come on. You. Have. A. Lot. Of. Works. To. Do. Leader.

Seshh fine! So 'where' is this works?

Thud! This, piled in a towering feet of documents, leader~

Ahh! I hate you sometime.

Keep that hate aside and work, its your job after all you build this your own~

I hate your tone.

What do you mean~

Go away!

Do, your, best, leader~




Annoying. Now then! How depressing, work.


How is she?

Locked up, doing work~

As expected to you, I'll make sure to send you all her work!

Wait! Don't! Why?!

Cause you could make her work!


That's enough reason or else we are doom to exist, okay

Even so-

Here, another pile~ send it to her. Make sure she finished it~

That guy...
Its not like I'm doing it myself~
Do I sound that way like he did earlier?
So then its really sure annoying...
And fun!

Cinna: Achoo! Someone cursing me?!



Finally your here~
Have you finished already?

I'm doing all the works you know?

Yes its OUR Leader after all~

Stop that tone or I'll send you far away

I'll gladly obey~


Oh~ what's this? You're early today Cinna

Early my ass, this is the only time I step out my space

Doing work?

Doing work.

My my, and the guy behind you didn't help?

Cough! Cough cough!
I.. I did! I did something!

Is that so~
Then how come I see you drinking last night, flirting at the red district, and jamming with friends hmm~

Serves you right~

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