Chapter Seven: Them (A7)

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In a lit center of a room, Philip stood with a guy in front, flipping a paper in hand. In that four corner small room; only the hanging bulb in the center, table with two chairs facing each other, see through glass wall at that guy's back, and all but dark wall and ground; are the only interior.

Inside, no sound could be hear aside from his flippings. Second page, third page, fourth page... until its last. He read thoroughly the documents in hand.

Soon after, he put it down making the guy looks at him. He is looking back. They keep staring each other eyes, the one he rarely meets and the one with unbother eyes are now serious and...something. His perceiving eyes looks away to somewhere, sending relief on the other.

Putting his arm in his pocket while glancing the papers, the 20+ page he gather. Not much for an investigation but good enough for small amount of time. But thats not enough, for him, it is not.


"None, sir. Still in progress however, it is clear the foreign ones are hiding something. Their movement has been detected around and in the department."

"How about the matter on the other side?"

"They refused, sir. Doing another investigation in our part, they strongly refuse and even people with power supporting them at the back"

"...keep gathering. As usual, keep it confidential with the usual plan"

"As you command'

With the conversation over, Philip walks on the door. Grabbing the knob, he said in a whispering manner but loud enough for him to hear.

"Fire all those people they associated with, no question, no question to answer."

He gulp and answer," yes sir!"

Opening it and he exiting the door, leaving his personnel in the room. The personnel finally sigh, not realizing his holding up his breath this entire time. He don't have time to be impressed however, as the ways thing goes, it's not good but not bad either. He's confused, watching their leader still intact with rationality, he fell relieved. But... he is now scary unlike before.

'People do change for losing something precious...'

Glancing at the paper he collected, informations regarding on her death. It's not long after her funeral but a lot of suspicion point from the overseas report are there.

'Worse, his citizens are not helping out. Instead, helping to bury the evidence. This keeps giving me headaches.'

He squint his eyes in dangerous manner and pick the piled paper.

'But those people will taste the consequences.'

He then exited the room, calling for someone in his contact, doing his job and speeding things up.


[A data of video footage has been restored near the scene. Inserted: <restoreddata.mp4>]

As time continue to tick, information keeps piling in. Evidences, people involve, schemes, profiles, and so on... it keeps coming.

[According to a witness 07, Leader A interact the victim arround 1 am that day approximately 13 hours since her death. ]

Worse, some leader involve. The head in-charge of the case is now beginning to worry more than last. 'Its getting out of control. With this evidence it possible to pin down the lesser involve but for a leader to be one...its unthinkable. Why?...

Previous relation? Grudge? Or...' he looks at the building where their leader in. The tall building in tens of floors above. In specific window, he see his figure standing in front the glass window.

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