Chapter Forty-Seven: Them (F3)

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Are you okay?!

What..? Who?

Bruh? ...bruh?!
Doc!! Doc!! Wait here, I'll call the doctor

Huh? W-wait!


But... What's a doctor?
And where am I?

Sitting up*


Slam! Door opens*

Don't. It better if you sleep, don't push your self and lie down. Yes, that's right. Slowly, lie him carefully.

Yes, doc

What happened? Where am I? Who you people?

Doc! What's going on? Why's my bruh like that?!

Calm down. Let me check on him first.


How do you feel?

Uh.. when I try sitting up my head really hurts. Just what the hell happened??

First, let us examine you and your brother will explain it to you after.


So, any more another than headache.

Uh... feet, I feel numb in my right feet. My back, no, my ribs aches too. And truthfully, I don't remember anything.

I see. Let me talk to your brother first then.


Wait for me here bruh! I'll come back after talking to the doctor! And don't move too much!


Okay, be a good bruhder and wait for me


Just...what happened..?

And who was that person calling me brother? Is he a family? Family? What's family again? Huh??

Why can I-!

Door opened*

Bruh! How are you?! The doctor told me... That it seems like your accident cause your brain damaged than what they thought... I- I...


Huh? That's all?

No. Let me know the details more slowly. I might get headache from all the information.

Ah..? Ah! Yes! That's right!



...? What?

Bruh... I feel like you changed?? Somehow

I did? Oh, let's start from that, what am I before the accident?

Oh! You're an *sshole!!


I really think you are, honestly. But I never give up that one day you'll change! I believe in you!

Wait. What's an *sshole??

That... Let's.. t-that... You're really mean and not so good person and that almost everyone you know hate you~!

I- I see. So tell me about 'me' then. I want to know but slowly.

Okay! If that's bruh wants!

Firstly you are.....


Knock knock!

Vising hours are over.

Ah, yes yes yes

Got up*

Sorry bruhther I need to go. But worry not, I'll visit again!


And... I enjoy talking to you...

Closed the door*

That kid seems close to me..? Well, let's start remembering things first if not, know about my current situation.

Lie in bed*

Well... Waking up with no memory sure not feel good... It's confusing... to the point your head hurts just attempting to remember.

Why am I talkative now?

Am I not talkative?



Forget it. It keeps my head hurting.


But seriously, why am I forgetting something very important???
The "Bruh" thing inspired by:
Epic joins Underverse by Jael Peñaloza from Undertale (by Toby Fox)

That's actually funny! Hahaha, recommend to watch it~ It can be found in at YouTube~

And yes, I'm an Undertale fan too. A lot actually, fan of something. (◔‿◔)

Also... Our Cepheid here and his story...😆 I feel like its pretty fast. So was his character!

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