Chapter Thirty: Them (D3)

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Life repeating, of satisfaction, lead time to slip faster.

That night, small celebration has been set for the harvest days finally over. And a reminder of the efforts settling the always garbage issue at shores.

Seating at the center of a table near the bamboo walls, I drunk my juice. Occasionally grabbing food in front and chatting with others. It started just after we disposed the collected trash when a local came running inviting us for a small celebration. We agree, no shyness involve as we are used to it and consider rude to decline. You know, they prepare it for you yet your not comming? Isn't it rude? But if you really have something important to do, then say it in sincere tone so you can dodge the rudeness.

Nevertheless, most of us come. With less than twenty people who came, its still okay.

Sipping another from my cup of orange juice, I slam in the wall. I'm bored, its been long now since we started and I'm bored, nothing to do. Glancing at the window, it shows me the starts hanging at the sky and ocean colored in deep blue.

Observe inside, I got up since no one seems need me. Grabbing some food at the table and refilling my cup with same orange juice, I made it outside. Walking in bare foot, I slowly made my way at the shore.

The tranquility it brings; calm me, made me.

Released from the foreign feeling, the deep blue sky and ocean greets me. With the sea breeze brushing my being, the crescent moon smiling, waves chatting, and starts glittering. They all welcome this lowly being.

The distance sky and ocean, that are painted in deep blue as part with the distant galaxies, is something I will never reach. Something we will never be, even for thousands of years.

I sat on the sand, the sand that colored in white yet somewhat glowing with the moon's dying light. The rough yet sinking feeling at the same time strong and one, it allows me.

Sitting in a lotus form, I watch the waves clapping within the seas. And far from them, are the vast ocean of deep, calm and unmoving. Sometimes, its scares me. I don't know what will happened, unknown is something that I fear, yet I choose to be ignorant of thing. Ironic, right.

Next, I soon hang my head for the view up high, the night sky today is displayed with billions of starts. It always like so, but it never fail to amazed me whenever I witness their gloriness. And someday, they too will cease to exist.

That's why... maybe that's why I don't bother to know everything. And don't want to learn anymore.

Slowly, the noise behind begun to subside as the night gets deeper, they too need to call it a day and rest. Though for me, I continue to watch both blues and their creation. The sounds they make, the show they arranged; I make sure to watch and hear it all.

My peace came to a pause when a gentle tap from the shoulder interrupts. With a turn, I face them. Oh, it him.

"What can I do for you, Glaud?" I asked, not bother from his existance.

"Nothing much. You're here again, I see." He reply, taking a sit beside me.

"Ahuh." I smile, looking back front between the space they share.

"You like the sea and night that much. I see no one asked, may I ask why?"

Hmm? Curiousity.

"I don't know too. I suddenly found myself attracted to them, especially the sea. I love how they bring both winds and breeze, the splashing of waves, and the color they change. It feels magical~"

Honestly, it is. For me at least.

"Still like a kid I see."

"Nah-ah!" I answer immediately.

This guy and his usual, though I always hit back making me kinda, uh... something.

"Yes, you are. And you will always be~"

"No, you are. Always like this. Want to tease me that much?"

"Yes, its fun~"

"Jerk now, are we?"

"Oh? You learn another, good for you"

"Stop making fun of me"

"That's a no, I'll die if I don't~"

"What now, I didn't hear someone dying because they cannot tease somebody."

"That's just you. Go out sometimes and maybe you'll hear one. Or want me to die as an example..?"

"Huh, you and your ... stuff"
"And no, this island is enough for me."

"Come on, it not too late to step outside"

This guys is always outside, he rarely come back too indulge from the world he never see. I, too, but not anymore. I learn things I shouldn't have. Did I regret it? Maybe.

"..." yet a refuse to reply. I had enough with same subject every time. I know, Glaud you're trying but... a no is still a no for me. I won't go.

As if he knew, he sigh a heavy one.

He may be some thing earlier but, he is different person when he's with me and the others. As we grew up together, its natural to know how childhood friends grew up as they are now. He's just like that when it comes to his responsibility, don't hate him. He's just passionate for work that lies responsibility and life of others, whether its mother nature or people and animals.

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay"

"Yea, thanks..."

"So then, where are you going this time?"

"Oh! Glad you asked! I'm going to Hawaii! As a fellow islander, I wanna visit her almighty island that gathers praises from all over the world"

"Ah, I. see."

"Hey! At least pretend you're interested!"

"Ah, sorry. Can't help it"

"Geez. Nevermind. Hm? Sorry time to go" he notice from his watch the time and get up. Wiping his pants from the sand, he talked.

"No, thanks for accompanying me."

"Hm... okay! You're welcome even though you like being alone."

So he march away from me. I didn't turn back, still eyeing the distant.

"By the way!" He shouted.

"I love to hear which stars are constellations, I know you don't know it so learn to!"

With no intention to listen to my reply, he sprint away.

Ah, that guy. It's tough to associate in his kind. Stubborn and extrovert.

"Constellation, huh..." I murmur.

Maybe I should, I like stars but not like how I like the sea. Even so, to pass the time, I think its possible.

So then, "where should I start?"

Thinking how to learn it, I forgot to continue watching the blues as I am swayed by my new thoughts.

Not knowing anything will happened, is something I fear. A reason why, why tomorrow never exist until the sun rise.

And that ocean colored in dark, surrounding this tiny one.

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