Chapter Thirty-Six: Them (E2)

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Your sending me much far away this time. You really love not to see me, are you?

Haha! Of course not! As stated, something sprang out more troublesome and will become one if not properly investigate/disposed. That's why, I'm sending you, our best warrior to take part this international affair.

You can go, you know

I know! But, it sounds scary



Bitch, stop being lazy

Dunn- I mean who will handle the nation if I'm not here.

I can stay

You don't know anything about politics! Economics! Much more humanity!

Indeed. But NC can


So go

No! You go!

If nothing else, I'll be leaving

Wait! Get the detail of the mission! Hey! The folder!
Wow, he don't want to go, like really
I'm sad to be rejected like this, huhu
But, heh! He will go no matter he reject it hehe!
Since Cordel is not here, NC is barely function, and Nao acting like this; I need to prepare all I need

But man, for a parasite to show up in the middle of the ocean, its troublesome just by hearing about it. But really, he need to go in my stead or else I'll taint my image of all times that its working work pretty well.
Now then! Time to go~


Hm. To think it takes me three days to get what I want.

Its make sense since Mindanao is a sharp when it comes to you countryleader.

Since when are there, Palaw?

Ah, since earlier. I try not to disturb you.

Then at least make some noise to let me know you exist

That's a no no, countryleader. It's like asking me to stop to breathing

Ayya, why do I surrounded with weird people?

Because the leader is the weirdest that it starts attracting the same people as her.

Are you cursing me? You do, don't you? Right?

Now then, since countryleader snapped away her monologue (out loud), here was the report you asked me months ago.

Palaw, I'm asking something

Since countryleader is busy, I'll take my leave.

Aya, ignoring me earlier, now leaving me? What's wrong with this people? Don't they know I'm still a leader despite with a common blood...

Nevermind, though its faster than expected. Growing this Balki seeds are pain but worth trying. To think they made progress in such short time. Of course, it takes at least a year for a result.

Hm?! Magnificent! The results are very great! How about selling this information? Its will surely make me rich, hehe!

That's a no.

NC. You came, thought you want to lay in the bed despite three days passed and go laze around.

Ahem. Back to you, stop thinking of selling any information okay? Be more dignify as a leader.

You look tired but since it's you, whatever. And why not?! Selling this piece of information will make me rich! Us rich!

So? Like hell it will help us from upcoming event, much more today.

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