Chapter Seventeen: Them (B7)

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Soon after, the rescue team as been deployed in the front lines. And with her lead, she secure a victory. Gaining the lost territory from the enemy, they reclaimed pride as well.

Some information came from the other parts of the battle too. Their vice captain has been in a stable fighting, the second smartest of the group is in an idle as no or rare enemy came, the two idiots still fighting but somehow able and slowly regaining some of their lands, and others are doing fine too.

Except that it doesn't keep that way. In groups of A to L, total of 12 and in different number, half of every member has been send back injured: minor and major. That include some of Vietcong's member.

Hearing the news, she pushed her leading team to finished and quickly turn the table. And most performance has been performed by her only member in the current location they are in. He heard, after all, that his quarreling pair had been injured.

With two days, they finally granted to go back at the main camp. In rush, he search the entire place. Vietcong on the other hand watch him panic and not using his genius brain and shakes her head. She asked the medics where they placed the injured soldiers from two days ago, she find the answer.

Pulling his collar from behind, she lead the way.

"You panic too much. Calm your self first"


She stop and smack him at the face. He attempt to open his mouth when she smack him again in the mouth. He said nothing but a smack in the eye followed again. And other in top in his head. She continues on until she finally satisfied.

"Okay, that's enough"

She said and let his collar go. Confused as to what happened, he watch her walk away. Snap out, he followed.

"Got your sense back?"

"Oh! Yes, that's crap"

"No problem but next time, I'll hit you harder"

"Please do"

As they gone to the area the medic said, they soon discover it and started searching. Vietcong asked the workers and some soldiers while he scan every faces for her.

While searching, Vietcong unexpectedly meet someone. Its the vice captain of the group. He is sitting on a far corner. So she find her way to him.

A shadow in front him cover his light, so he raised his head to discover her. His face are visibly startled. But it soon changed to normal.

"You're injured too?" She asked.

But in return he shook his head. Thats confused her as to why he is here but it soon answered. Someone from behind approach them, sensing the person, she looked back to witness another member.

She is full of cuts from up to down. Her roommate with messy uniform, smell and taint of blood, and limping leg. She with her usual face looks at Vietcong's shock to strange expression.

"We are ordered to go back as we finished our goal in our side" the vice captain voluntarily answer the question in mind.


"Not. Its just coincident that I saw her in that state that's why I'm here while she search for something to patch her wounds"

"I see. So you seen any?"

"Yes but the medics are pretty busy with others. So I grab some and planning to let him do it for me"

"I see.."

"So finished your mission at the your side?" She asked as she passed her by and search where to sit.

"That's right..."

"I see... lucky..." she said as she sit behind the vice captain on the floor.

"Lucky..? You failed?" Vietcong carefully asked.

"Ha.. yes. Unfortunately, an ambushed" she exhaled from the pain of her wounds.

"Let me do it..." Vietcong offers as she observed their condition. She is better than them so she offer.

The vice captain on the other hand stayed quite closed eyes listening to their conversation.

The two girls keep chatting for the couple of hours without stop. The food, the battle, and so on. She was asked about the rescue mission too. Vietcong answered it as mission success.

After patching her wounds, the others came. They see the other member with her injured arm. It was cut off and now wrapped in multilayer of bandages. The one with her is a quiet guy approaching them, with face clearly unhappy in her situation.

"Annoying kid, stop with that face. You know this is war." The vice captain who witness his faced frown and voice out his opinion fast.

With his face disoriented, he glare at the vice without speaking. The girl in between laugh and cut the tension down.

"He's right. But with this, I'm afraid I can no longer fight" she said with her usual tone.

This made the two shut their mouth and not intending to speak anymore.

Another voice speak then as they refused.

"That's good. At least you'll never die at the battle ground" Vietcong's roommate voice out.

Thinking what she said, the others think about it. But Vietcong eyes on her observed her.

She meet her eyes and said, "what?"

"Nothing, just thinking what you said" she answered and turn to look at her member with her arms.

Looking closely, beside her chopped arm: her tight, her feet, her hand, and some parts of her body are injured from bruised, cut and stab. And knowing her, she leave her other wounds unattended aside from the major one.

"Come here" Vietcong wave and gesture sit at the other side of the captain.

She is about to refused when she seen Vietcong smile. Witness it, she gulp and oblige with no resistant.

She sit beside the vice which in his deep thoughts, not even noticing someone beside her.

Vietcong immediately started tending her wounds. As she's on it, the new comers started asking the two of them. As Vietcong was in the same group from another, he probably told her about their mission as she never asked them. And so Vietcong to her roommate.

Looking at the vice captain of the group, they didn't asked him as he's quiet for a while now and more haggard than they ever see. Too indulge to his own world, they let him be. Vietcong, too, is busy so the three chat for themselves.

Listening at the corner, Vietcong quietly observe them. As she finished patching her subordinate's wounds, she sit at a corner and watching them.

Enough of watching, she stood up gaining their attention.

"Hmm?" Looking at them, she got confused but then smile after.

"I'm reporting. We come straight to visit here without reporting, so...I'll see you later"

With no opposition, they said temporary goodbye to her. She left and report from their mission, and certain from her individual mission result but she needs confirm it.

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