Chapter Twenty-Eight: Them (D1)

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I exist living in the island. Growing up as one, trying to be one. A lonely island.

Why do we need to contact lands that separates us from the others?

Why do we need to cross the the seemingly like oceans to follow?

When at the end, its all disappointment and struggles.

So I stay this island, for that I see who I am, an island.

Like my usual passing day, I stroll the beach to watch the sunrise with a breakfast of fruits placed in a basket. Munching one, I walk to the usual.

I meet locals as they greets me, I greet back with smile.

I love this land, this piece of tiny land the god bestow to me along with its people and the nature it gives.

"Here, your so skinny that you need it" I gave a fruit to a kid I usually greet. He is still skinny that I take note to give him fruit from now on.

We are small nation and poor, that's true, but we are rich too; from the nature and care we love to gift to people. Life's hard but manageable, and its so much fun here that you want no longer to leave, thats I believe.

'Poor' the word that classify low capital and lower capital for nation or people, for evaluation or quality; they used such word. It's something the world outside develop, to adapt, and to change.


I let the subject go and continue to walk.

Its still early morning yet locals are awake already, they starts working and some children is already playing, such early citizens.

I finally found my spot from the always schedule and I watch the ocean below when breeze flutter the hem of my skirt, before I sat placing the basket in hand somewhere beside. Inhaling the sea breeze, I crossed legs.

Grabbing another fruit, I ate while waiting for another sun to rise. And every time it did, it made me realized that another day had come.

Sun at dawn, you could see it clearly in its weaken state. Perhaps because of the clouds minimizing the so called ultra violet rays that damage your eyes, preventing to see what the sun looks like.

Orange-yellow, rays of gold sometimes in the color of orange, it slowly rose from the sky, gaining its strength to shine- brighter than any starts.

Just after setting at another side of the world, it came to rise from another, it did all the time as long as time exist and the world continue to rotate. Its us who's moving and not the sun, the concept of the sun moving is nothing but a reason out, our tale of old times. It ended when modern came, ending our fantasy one by one.

Bothered from my thoughts, I starts to meditate. Placing both hands at the folded legs, breathing slowly, and feeling the nature around me; its calming my insides.

It lasted a while, when I felt the sun ray becoming warmer. Slowly, I open my eyes, they reflects its ray sending the warmth through me.

I got up to leave, my objective is done so I must now.

Its a weird way to think like this, thats why I meditate to control it. Its pretty helpful actually, not just by the way of thinking but for over all, its relaxing and like... magical; sending such calmness and serenity, adding the noise of nature becoming one- synchronize and breath as one.

I smile happy how it felt like, its really magical that I continue to do it when I understand how its done.

The magical? I really like believing such things, one reason why I don't much go out my island. And a reason to keep believing, away from rational people who kill such beliefs.

Following the trace of the beach, it lead me to the coast where our fishermen gather. As expected they arrive as they settling their boat aside the shore.

"How's the fishing go?" I ask smiling.

"Oh! Sey! Good good! Today's season is great, though less than previous, its still enough. We are happy to catch some" he said grinning.

His words stuck me but hide it. Seasons change, so is the world. As someone at the center of ocean, we are the one who are most affected such change. Fishes is declining little by little, though its actually fast but my locals don't know it. Its not like I don't want them to learn, I also learn little for the sake of standing as their leader but... Respecting their choice to live like this, I didn't prey no more and let them.

I'm glad, maybe not focusing in education like other nations do is a best choice. We are inferior being, someone who stand low and a no one, we are just...we; someone low...

And becoming intelligent or smart is not good too. Like me, with some bit of education- struggle to express that something called 'global warming' is happening. It might kill us all one day but how do you explain it to them? And for what reason? To be alive? To avoid such? Its not our job to do so, its the people who's drown to greed and development should. We are but the citizen of the world who want to live peaceful without progress.

As someone who known this facts, this knowledge, I felt regret of knowing this little bit, I want to live like them- blissful and naive, don't care what lies tomorrow... but a repeat that they will wake up and work to live.

They soon gone away, I'm here standing watching their figure getting smaller. Thinking about it, I smile trying to suppress the problem to the higher positioned leaders. I too leave and greet them. Even one day we perish, we will live for ourselves, as ourselves. Where there's nothing to control who we are and how we live.

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