Chapter Fifty-One: Them (F7)

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Sir?! How dare this b*tch! I'll-

No, it's okay

But sir...

Its fine.

Huh! Acting like a nice guy now are we? I'm not buying your act! Much more your fake condition is! Go die!


Let her go.


Sir... She's doing it many times now...

Still, let her do what she wants

But, sir!

It's my fault, being an assh*ole I was

"Was" sir, not now!

Hush now, let me just finished this. My shift going to end soon.

Okay. I'll wait for you as usual.

Yes, thank you.




Did you wait long?

No, it's not.

Are you cold then? It's snowing, it must be. Waiting outside at night, much more with snow, you must be cold.

...not at all. I feel warm now.



Let's go then sir.



By the way sir, about earlier. No, can I asked the sir for something first?

Hm? Ah, that's fine. I mean sure, what is it?

Are you sure they are talking about you?

Uh? Yes? I mean I have an amnesia so yes. I think.

The same person who committed those things?


Uh.. okay.

Unbelievable, isn't it?

Yes, very much. Is sir sure you don't have any twin or something?

Of course not.

Then that's sad, its been months now yet they can't accept the new you.

Nahh, that's fine. If ever someone did the same those stuff to me, I'll change my view to them at least 3 years.

The sir is right. I can't argue with that.

Ahuh. So, hm? What they're doing there?

Oh, they are setting up some detonators.

Detonators? For what?

Old structures that mainly building like those one needs detonators for clean up.

They can do that? Wait, the owner permits it??

Ah, most cases don't have any need no permission knowing they died somewhere unknown. Though, half of this incident are at the mercy of the Leaders.

I see. As expected from people with power.


Such a shame, its still looks good to me.

It cannot be helped.
By the way sir, your brother called me he'll be visiting you tonight.

That's rare. Isn't he busy?

I'm not sure sir, all he said was he's coming tonight to visit you. Knowing your brother, he'll make time for you.

Ah, yeah of course. To the point its suspicious. Are you really sure you don't know what business he does?

I'm sorry sir but I really don't.

Haa... No, I'll focus paying my debts first.

Why don't the sir barrow to his brother?

You already know why. And we got over this and I'll not going to change my mind.

Yes, of course, sir.

I'm tired. Wake me up when we arrive.

Yes, sir.

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