Chapter Thirty-Three: Them (D6)

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Emotions calls, with dying breath...

How long have I gone? I no longer recall.

I made my time, MY time and no one's, is what I believe. But I soon regret, some things.

The longer I go, the longer they came.

Sey! How is it? Pretty right?! Awesome right?!

Now now, let her be. She's too busy mesmerizing things. I--!! Aww!

What mesmerizing, my house is prettier than this.

Aww come on, just admit it~

Right! Right!!

I'd be lying if I did. As no place most beautiful in my eyes other than my home.

This again. My youth is fading away with my own eyes!!

Here we go again

Just go play around


Ahem because he--hummm humph hummm


Nothing! She's saying nothing~ AM. I. RIGHT?

Ahahaha... of ... course... nothing...

You guys having a secret without me now I see~

No no no no! That's not it!


No, its okay. I understand.

No! You misunderstood!

What did I?

I lied, I do know. Hoping you get together.

Sey! Lunch is ready!!


Here, I made your favorite

Thanks as always Aunty!

No problem, come now eat eat.

Aww, to think your love abandoned me. I'm sad as your husband

Pak! Quit acting like that and you eat too! Sey help us everytime so mind your words!

I'm a sad husband...

Just eat. So Sey, how's the taste?

The best as always Aunty!

Hehe glad to hear it every time~

Sad husband....

Its true, I taste the best. The taste of home that reminding me of old times. Ah, I want to eat her dish again. They made it, so it's fine.

Here, Miss you drop it.

Uh? Thank you very much.

This is the first time I seen you around, new?

Ah, no. I don't attend the meeting much.

I see. See around then.

Yes, thank you again


Hey! Mind to invite you for a lunch? I need to asked you something?



I see. I guess I mess my report...


Nothing. Shall we then?

Sure. I'll lead the way, I know somewhere good.

Hey, you. It's not a good one like you said. Their food is not good. And why are you even appearing to me now?? Ah, right. I did mess up the report that made my mind not to forget you and your bombardment of correcting.

Seya, be more confident. You're pretty and lovely, what you lack is confident.

But ma!!

Honey, your mom is right, be more confident with chin up. He'll sure to notice you~



I can't believe our daughter grew up now

But she has long way to go



Lilika and Lilio, coming up~🎶
To play the wave~🎶
Come and get us~🎶
Before it get late~🎶

Ahh, let's play something else

What is it then?

aha! Let's collect the most pretty stone we find!

Okay? But why?

What why? Its going to be fun!

Okay, if you say so...

Come on! Don't be like that! Smile a little and you'll look more pretty!

Let's just play


Thanks for telling I'm pretty. I still do remember...

I promised back then something, I wonder what is it?? It's long been forgotten.

As my black vision stay the same, wait not all black but some have lights, like the darkest sky with less stars. It reminds me of one, the sky I mean. With no ability to move and talk, only my mind and sight are working properly, for now.

At the verge of the cliff, slowly sliding down the pit of hell, I can not move from all the injuries and the impact of the fall made. Buried from the mixture of soil, debris, water, and mud I am. They weighting my body more miserable, infecting every wounds I had.

As I keep fighting the urge to sleep, I keep thinking. Replaying memories and asking my self for answers and questions. But now, I don't think I can maintain it.

The dizzy feeling keeps increasing, body continue to slipping down as coldness enveloping mine, and my consciousness barely keeping.

I know, what will I end. I saw it coming, I did. That's why, its okay now to let go, right?

With barely breathing state, I felt my body completely slip from the rock I'm in.

And with that, I found the answer I'm waiting.

I close my eyes at the mid air, rain slowly washing away the things covering me. Even so, I had no strength left to open them. With the last feeling of rain and falling, I finally felt the feeling...of death.

A life strip down, signals the end.
>>Seychelles chapter ends...

I'm doing my best for the end!

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