Chapter Twenty-Four: Them (C4)

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"Hey! Wake up!" Someone called.

I woke up in daze not knowing what happened.
"What?" I sounded.

"Finally! Stop daydreaming now and let's go! We're running late!" And he run across the street going somewhere.

Completely back to my senses, I followed.

We ran couple of meters and finally we're here! Panting heavy, I take my time to take some rest. He, on the other hand, despite running non-stop and tired continue to run inside.

'Ahh, this kid, seriously now' I grunt from how much energy he have. But what can I do, he's always like that. So continuing my tracks, I entered.

The huge building for our meeting is huge both inside and outside. Its dazzling, obviously sturdy, and greatly design; a building unique and suitable for leaders to use. It is the building where we, leaders, conduct our meeting. Face to face is more effective than phone calls, message, and virtual meetings.

Divided into different sectors, from continents, association, country, and capitals in respective floors. The building is also equipped in different from aside from the given meeting for leaders, such as bowling, billiards, golf, gym, basically indoor sports and some outdoor sports, bar, and some recreational rooms.

Stepping inside where we are assign to have a meeting, a familiar person is waving back at me, its the guy I been with who left me. Sighing inwardly, I soon step his direction until I got where he is. He tap the sit beside him as he is in the edge near at the middle of the row. I soon sat as we wait for others to come.

What is it again? The main subject of the meeting to occur like this..? Well, meeting here in this place is not common but when needed we need to followed as its important. Like today, act of terrorism is getting more active worldwide. Association leaders are the one who bring us all to the meetings with their data and such, rarely some country leaders but superpower could only, I mean their (our) influence is huge one.

Moving on, UN stood at the centered stage and gone immediately to the topic, something I like about them- straight to the point. Act of terrorism and such, boring. I drift my eyes else where. More leaders are not attending as time goes by, they sure got some guts. Its not easy to excuse themselves to avoid some meeting that occur not that common, is leaders coincidently having the same disease at the same time? Maybe. But what's strange is, someone even sent their capital to attend instead of them, psh~ really now.

I avert my eyes again and my eyes caught my seatmate do, he is currently doodling in his notebook. Like some high schooler we are, we are stuck to a lecture to save the world and how to balance all things getting all works done.

It ended smoothly than expected. As I fix my mind from the content of the meeting, the same guy pull me. Immediately pulling me out my seat, he drag me somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I asked calm, so used to his habits of pulling me.

"Heh! Somewhere fun!" He said with a grin.

I had a bad feeling about this...

"Walah!! See, isn't is fun? What do you think? What do you think!" His eyes shine expecting the obvious.


Defeated. I reply, "yea, looks fun" he didn't even notice my tone and just grin.

His simple minded personality is his strong point as a human being, I'm saying. But, seriously? Club? Really?

We are at a local bar, as people ignore us for being leaders, I felt relax at least. Becoming leaders is rather annoying I say, treating you like a celebrity- it's fun at first but becomes annoying and tiring...

As I followed the guy to the bar counter, I take my sit and order my drink. The guy beside me ordered too as he did, I turn my back to the crowd. Something caught me eyes, familiar figures are here too. The affectionate family is here with there usual noise.


Averting my eyes to somewhere, I see him in the corner. How unusual for a fancy guy to be here. As I watch, the other approach him as they talk somehow normal, at least they'll not fighting like usual. But unknowingly, the other is preoccupied with something.

I guess where his eyesight went and... I think instead of something, its someone. Darting for a moment of observation, no mistake, his looking at the chaotic family of leaders bowling and making fun of each other. No wonder, for someone like him to be here is something not rare but it has one different no matter where you look at it.

But that's not a problem to involve myself... and it's annoying.

Turning my eyes elsewhere, some other thing caught my attention but less than the previous one. So turning back to the other side, his face greets me. This guy...

Sighing in ward, I pull back his face away me. "Drunk already?"

"Not really, but did you see~" he sounded amused.

"See what now?" I said uninterested.

"Aw come on, I know you see them"

Don't be fool for his simple mindedness, he's smart despite that. But few knew because he hide that brain of his.

"I wonder what will he do if suddenly murdered, don't you wonder China~" he murmur only for me can hear.

And a crazy bastard...

"Hm... less likely. You might see it that way but it has less probability that he'll act the way you want." I answer boredly.

People said I become more tolerable when I meet the guy but... I'm just interested for his little show. How will it progress and how it will end, amusing to see.


But I don't mind sharing my knowledge for him. This way, its less probable to raise suspicions.

I sip my drink. Tea is better than this.

I notice his silence. I glance at him and... that look. I slowly located where and see some bitch smiling with another guy. Tch, total bitch.

When will this world kill bitches, even at least kill the worse one could you.

The way the bitch smile at him, its disgusting.

Turning away as my eyes cannot tolerate, it descended to him. Ah, there he is again. Wait. I see. Grinning, I murmur.

"It's not bad to erase one"

Calmly taking another sip, I glance at him. He looked at at me with intense eyes.

I know what you want. I got up and lick my lips, let's grab another bitch, shall we~
Here folkes! I re-writen it, I know confusing but bare with me.

Btw, all parts or the whole arc has part of the official story~


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