Chapter Twenty-Nine: Them (D2)

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Nearly mid-day of the same day I am here at the beach, shading in coconut tree from the hot weather. I didn't mention but its really hot here when the sun come up, so don't question why we wake up early to do our thing.

Well, as I sit in the sand and leaning to the coconut tree, my hands are fanning me with a straw hat I used. Today, I'm helping the locals for today's harvest. Its lunch break and I just finished eating and decided for some fresh air.

Staring at the sea meeting up with the sky and chatting with the waves and clouds, they are all peacefully. A picture perfect sight to see, its beautiful. Adding the breeze they sent, it making you feel at ease with no trouble. Indeed like that.

As the peaceful and great surrounds ease my mind, I slowly felt the sleepiness pulling me. Ah, if there is swing to lay down, its perfect to sleep. Then...

"Sey!!" With a loud voice, my cloudy mind abruptly snapped.

Irritated, I look to where and my province came, the loud one as expected.

"What?" I glare when she get near.

"Don't be like that! Come! We need you, to see something and to help us" she said grabbing my hands up, forcing me to stand.

I sigh and got up. She lead me to her shore, ah... such a bad day.

Garbage has been dragged to her shore, and its a lot of garbage. To think it happened just one night, here we go again.

With other locals and leaders help, we are cleaning all the garbage. We also discover a turtle trapped its head in one of the garbage. We naturally help and set it free to where it going, the ocean.

We finished at the afternoon nearly sunset, with tons of garbage, and submitting another complain to UN for their garbage disposal yet again. This is a common occurrence for islands centered at the ocean. Aside from garbage, some people are also stranded in our land.

Yes, there are those times. Common reason are their boat sink while fishing, traveling, exporing, and so on and so ford. But the most bizarre reason that are: sleeping in their boat while fishing, swimming non-stop with no direction, and floating in inflatable as they don't know how to swim and its too late to asked help as they are far from the shore because of the waves.

When I hear that, I laugh so much that days. Because of this occurrences that at least some things are different for the day. Still, if people are so are others. Trash is one and dead body is another.

Sometimes, there are dead bodies that we discover. Not just in one place but others too. The nation is small and have there own shores, thus making us all with same problem. Dead bodies of animals are most commons, and... rare occasions are body of fellow humans.

I write it with the same report at the garbage but more of a detail, as its a life matters animal of not. Those days, foreigners come to retrieve their body. There are times leaders came themselves which surprising and leave me in awe.

That aside, luckily we discover nothing like those thing happened. I am here sitting, with others, at the sand watching the sunset down. It exhausting but...

I watch them left and right, despite of being tired from the mountains of garbage we collect, they are laughing and chatting like we are in a vacation. Watching such faces made me smile, even the world change, I feel like my world didn't change much. Its full still of happiness.

"But really now, don't they know how to deal with their trash! Its pissing me off! Do they think we can do it all the time for them!"

"Hey now, calm down. Sey already passing complaints almost everyday now. Be patient, they will surely deal with it. Associate will, surely."

"Bah! Instead of declining, its increasing instead! Do you think they are doing anything except announce to settle their garbage properly and done! That's all, they may create law to punish but who? Where? How many had been punished?! Like never, no one did!!"

"Glaud!! Stop" another voice said.

I'm just here curl up within my knees, listening to another complain. It has been like this, but he's right, its increasing. That's the change that happened and keep happening,

"Come on, you all know it. No better change is happening!"

I sigh, if this continue, something will really change.

"Glaud, stop. It's alright, everyone know. Not just us but other archipelago do, but what can we do, we say? We are but small voice that cannot change issue in an instant. That's why, be patient."

Ah! I did it again. Instead of calming them down, a reason out again. Haa...

But I think it's effective as no one try to argue back. Thank goodness, or else words that I didn't mean may come out, like earlier.

"Okay! Shall we go? The sun set is over and we need to bring this tons of collected trash to the side." I said and go on first, dragging the sack of garbage I walk away.

I hear the sounds of glass bottles and knew some are moving with me.

Another day passed, tomorrow will be another.
I'm back~

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