He Sees You Sleepwalking

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(This was a request by ZuzaTheWrither)


Jeremy was a bit confused seeing you sleepwalk, but the minute he realizes what is happening he tries his best not to laugh, not wanting to wake you up. Jeremy actually decides to watch you, to see how long it takes you to wake up or walk back to bed. Though after a bit of time, Jeremy will wake you up, scaring you a bit once he explains that you were sleepwalking, you calm down and Jeremy takes you back to bed.


Phoenix was confused when he saw you sleepwalking but when he realized you were asleep he panicked a bit. Phoenix was sure what to do, not knowing if it was safe to wake you up and he didn't know how to get back to bed. Phoenix decided to carefully hold your hand, whispering to you it was time to head back to bed. This didn't wake you, so Phoenix continued, leading you to your guy's bed. Once you were back in bed, Phoenix laid down and sighs in relief, before heading back to bed himself.


Ludwig realized right away that you are sleepwalking and he sees this opportunity to test if a person can answer questions while they are sleepwalking. Ludwig will ask you questions quietly, so as not to wake you, watching you carefully as he does so making sure you don't hurt yourself. Most of the time you mutter answers or say random things that make no sense. After a while, Ludwig will finally do the responsible thing and guide you back to bed without waking you.


At first, Mundy never saw you sleepwalk before, but unfortunately, that's because you wake up not long after you try to sleepwalk. The reason that you wake up before you actually start sleepwalking is that you sleep with Mundy on the bed in his van and you tend to miss the ladder and fall, which wakes you up. You guys just thought you rolled over too far. It wasn't until one night when Mundy was staying up late that he notice you sitting up in your sleep and trying to get off the bed. Mundy quickly caught you before you fell to the floor, waking you up. Once he made sure you were okay, Mundy couldn't help but laugh after, leaving you confused until he explained that you tried sleepwalking.


Jacques was a bit surprised when he saw you sleepwalk. Jacques doesn't immediately wake you, taking some time to watch you for a couple of minutes to see what you would do next. After a while Jacques would call out to wake you, leaving you confused once you're awake, but once Jacques explains you were sleepwalking, you calm down and the two of you head to bed.


Jane didn't understand that you were sleepwalking, he just thought you were leaving the bed. Jane, unfortunately, made the mistake of rough hugging you and asking loudly where you were going. This wakes you up suddenly causing you to panic. Jane quickly realizes he scares you and immediately tries calming you down. Once you calm down, Jane explains he didn't mean to scare you, he just wanted to know why you were leaving the bed. That's when you realized you were sleepwalking, you explained this to Jane and told him to next time just carefully lead you to bed and not wake you so roughly.


Dell finds it a little bit surprised when he sees you sleepwalking but soon finds it a little funny. Dell has a little laugh to himself before he carefully helps you back to bed. Dell will lightly touch you and speak in a calm voice telling you to head back to bed. Dell makes sure not to touch you too hard or speak too loud so he doesn't wake and scare you. Once you are safely in bed, Dell will head to bed too, planning to tell you about your sleepwalking in the morning.

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