What You Guys Do for a Gender Reveal Party (Modern AU)

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Jeremy loved the idea of revealing your baby's gender with a ball filled with pink or blue powder. You had gotten a big whiteboard for Jeremy to throw the ball at. It's a simple way to reveal your baby's gender but a little messy.


Phoenix had the bright idea to use fire to reveal your baby's gender. He had Dell set up a special powder that would either burn pink or blue. You and your guest made sure to stay as far away as possible and Phoenix had his suit on to make sure he stayed safe. It was really pretty but it was slightly dangerous.


Ludwig surprisingly wanted to go simple with the gender reveal party. He had Misha set up a box filled with balloons and the box would be covered by a lightweight lid that Archimedes could knock off to reveal the balloons. It was surprising that this was what Ludwig wanted to do for the party, but you were just happy that it didn't involve a dead body.


Mundy decided he want to show off his shooting skill for the gender reveal party. Mundy had 5 big balloons lineup with pink or blue powder in them. With all your guests and you at a safe distance and with headphones to protect your ears, Mundy would shoot the balloons. It was a very interesting way to reveal your baby's gender.


Jacques didn't want to go crazy with the gender reveal party, he didn't want to do anything that could get someone hurt. So, Jacques just had a beautiful cake made with either blue or pink filling in it. Sure it was simple, but spending time with friends and family and sharing the news was all that really mattered.


Jane decided to do something crazy for your gender reveal party, honestly, you shouldn't even be surprised by things he does at this point. Jane had Tavish set up a bunch of fireworks that are either blue or pink. Sure, it was really pretty but it could have gone bad at any moment.


Dell wanted to do something interesting but safe for the gender reveal party. So programmed a game to reveal the gender and had Phoenix put in the code that revealed pink or blue. On the day of the party, Dell played the game in front of everyone. It was really thoughtful and there was no risk of anyone getting hurt.

(A/N - We have a double post today, I just couldn't leave you all with a depressing chapter like the cheating chapter, so I wrote up a more short happy chapter! Hopefully, you like these chapters! I'll be posting another chapter soon, it's almost done I just need my friend (who is my editor) to look over the next chapter.)

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