Bad Memory (Medic) (Trigger Warning)

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(WARNING: This chapter has scenes of domestic abuse, child abuse, and murder. If these topics are triggering to you, I would suggest skipping this chapter altogether.)


"Jou always fuck up dinner!"

Ludwig poked his little head around the corner to the kitchen. He had heard the sound of breaking glass and screaming, he was unsure of what was going on. Though the moment he peeked his head around the corner, fear set in. His father was home and he was yelling at his mother for something she did.

"I'm s-sorry, it vas an accident, it just got burned a little vhen I vent to check on Ludwig." His mother shuddered.

His father threw another plate, this one almost hitting his mother. His mother backed up a bit, tears running down her cheeks.

"Du dumme Schlampe!"

"Heinrich, bitte! Jou'll wake up, Ludwig!" She cried.

"Let him vake up, Amelie! Zhen he'll see how much of a failure his mother is!" Heinrich yelled, grabbing Amelie's face and making her look at him. "I'll teach jou a lesson for zhis..."

Ludwig gasped, causing his father to turn his attention to him instead of his mother.

"Ludwig! Vhat did I tell jou about eavesdropping!" Heinrich yelled, pushing Amelie away. "Get over here!"

Ludwig panicked, running away to his room. He could hear his father following him.

"Get back here!"

"Nein! Heinrich, don't jou touch him!" Amelie yelled, following them.

Ludwig ran to his bed and climbed under it, moving as close to the wall as possible. He shrieked when his father's hand tried to grab him.

"Stop! He's just a child! I von't let jou hurt him!" Amelie screamed, trying to pull Heinrich away from Ludwig's bed.

"He needs to be taught a lesson about manners!" Heinrich pushed Amelie down.

"Bitte, stop it, father!" Ludwig cried, trying to kick his father's hand.

Though this action didn't work, it just made it easier for Heinrich to grab Ludwig's leg. Ludwig tried to hold on to the frame of the bed but his little hands couldn't keep a tight grip. Ludwig was soon pulled out from under the bed and came face to face with his angry father.

"Heinrich, don't!"


Ludwig's eyes shot open, he was no longer looking into the eyes of his angry father, he now looked into your loving but worried eyes.

"(Y/N)..." He whispered.

You hovered over him worried, you even had Archimedes on your shoulder and he looked at Ludwig with his head tilted like he was just as worried as you were.

"Ludwig, are you alright? You kept saying no in your sleep and you looked frightened." You explained.

Ludwig started to tear up, turning away from you and he covered his face with his hands. You got off the bed and kneeled on the floor in front of Ludwig. You reached up to touch Ludwig's hands.

"Ludwig, it's okay. It was just a bad dream, it wasn't real." You tried to reassure him.

"No..." Ludwig whispered. "It wasn't just a dream, it was real..."

"What do you mean, Ludwig?"

Ludwig moved his hands to look at you, he was still crying.

"I... I had a dream about one of zhe many times my father hurt my mother and me..." Ludwig explained, crying harder.

You frowned, holding Ludwig's cheeks and kissing his forehead.

"It's okay, it's just us here, he's not here and he can't hurt you..." You reassured him.

Ludwig closed his eyes for a moment.

"I hated him so much, he vas a monster..." Ludwig cried. "My poor mother, she vas so innocent and sweet, she didn't deserve to be treated zhat way... I should have protected her better..."

"Ludwig, don't say that, it's not your fault!" You told him.

"Nein, it vas... if I had just convinced her to leave him... maybe she vould still be here now."

"What do you mean? Did... he do something to her?!"

Ludwig began to cry harder, a memory he tried so desperately to get rid of was flooding back.

"Vhen I vas a teenager, I came home from school and I saw my father standing over my mother's bloody body..." Ludwig explained.

"Oh my god, Ludwig, oh god I'm so sorry." You whispered.

"I vas so angry, my father tried to kill me too but I vasn't a veak little kid anymore. I overpowered him and I strangled him. I vatched as the life left his eyes..." Ludwig growled. "I hid his body vhere no one vould find him. I vas so good at forging documents, I vas able to fake a note in my father's handwriting and had it be his confusion to my mother's murder and made it seem like he left. Zhe cops never suspected a zhing."

You pulled Ludwig close, hugging him tightly. Ludwig buried his face in your shoulder, still crying. You rubbed his back, comforting him.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Ludwig." You whispered. "I couldn't imagine what that was like..."

Ludwig didn't say anything for a moment, he just held on to you tightly.

"I vish jou got to meet her, she vould have loved jou." Ludwig smiled a bit. "I vould always tell her I vant to marry an angel and zhat's vhat jou are, my beautiful angel."

You smiled, pulling away to look at Ludwig. You leaned forward and gave him a kiss. Ludwig kissed back, holding your cheek.

"Ich liebe dich, (Y/N)..." Ludwig said when you pulled away from the kiss.

"I love you too, Ludwig." You whispered.

Archimedes flew off your shoulder and landed on Ludwig's shoulder, rubbing his body against his cheek like he was trying to wipe Ludwig's tears, cooing as he did so.

"I love jou too, Archimedes." Ludwig let out a little laugh, petting the dove.

You got back in bed and Ludwig turned to pull you closer to him, resting his head on your chest. You smiled playing with his hair, which seemed to soothe him. Archimedes moved to the pillow resting near you guys. It didn't take long before you both fell back to sleep, thankfully Ludwig didn't have another nightmare, just sweet dreams with you in them.

(A/N - Aghh... Sorry for such a depressing chapter, I really woke up this morning wanting to write something sad and this came to my mind (It was this or Phoenix's backstory and his backstory is sad too) I promise the next chapter will be happy. Also, I just want to say something, I'm going to be moving soon (not sure exactly when yet but in the near future), so that does mean uploads will be slow until I fully finish moving. I'll try to get posts out but they may be short. Hopefully, this moving stuff isn't too long and I'll be able to write more stories in my new room!)

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