Soldier Catch-Up Part 2

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He Proposes

Something was going on, you weren't sure what it was though. You noticed something was strange at first when you woke up, Jane wasn't in bed next to you. You looked at the clock, it was 10:00 am, you were really confused. Jane always woke you at 7:00 am for training, he would never let you sleep in. You got out of bed and got dressed. You walked out of the room and started looking around the base for Jane. You look everywhere but couldn't find Jane, you went into the living room and saw Jeremy and Jacques sitting in there talking.

"Hey, guys." You said getting their attention.

"What's up, (Y/N)," Jeremy said.

"Have you guys seen Jane? I have been looking for him everywhere." You asked.

"I saw him go outside, I didn't feel like following him but I assumed he was going out to find more raccoons to bring in here," Jacques explained lighting another cigarette.

"Is that why I was able to sleep in today? I just thought Jane was having "private training" with (Y/N)." Jeremy said.

"He let me sleep in too." You told him. "I'll look outside for him, thanks for letting me know, Jacques."

"No problem, good luck finding him."

You walked outside and started to look around. You didn't find Jane and you were about to go inside when you heard a step behind you.

"Cupcake!" Jane yelled.

You looked behind you and saw Jane run up to you.

"Jane! I've been looking for you. Where have you been all morning?"

"I was working on something." Jane simply said. "I want to show you."

Jane suddenly picks you up with one hand.

"Jane what are you doing?!" You panicked a little.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. Just hold on tight." Jane said before going for a running start and performing a rocket jump.

You held on to Jane's shirt tightly, you weren't going to lie, rocket jumps scared you. Sure you get a nice view in the air but they were dangerous to perform. Even if you trust Jane to do it right, you still had your worries. After you took your moment to calm down, you noticed something while landing. You were near an area with a beautiful little picnic set up.

"Jane, what is all this?" You asked.

"It's a little surprise for you!" Jane smiled.

"Jane, it's beautiful! Thank you!"

The two of you sat down, but you could tell something was up with Jane. He couldn't sit still and he seemed really nervous.

"Jane, are you okay?" You asked making him jump.

"Umm... yeah..." Jane whispered. "Cupcake, I have something I want to ask you. Do you like being with me?"

Jane's question confused you.

"Of course I do! Why would you ask such a question?"

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