He and Your Child Fight

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"I don't want a baby sister!" Thomas shouted.

You couldn't help but laugh as your 4-year-old son shouted at Jeremy. You had just found out you were pregnant with a girl this time and though Jeremy was really happy, the same can't be said for your son.

"Well, we can't do anything about that, Thomas," Jeremy sighed trying to reason with the little boy.

"NO! I want that dumb baby! Get rid of it!" Thomas shouted, stomping over to you. 

Thomas reached out to hit your small bump, but he missed when you took a step back out of his reach.

"Don't hit your mother!" Jeremy shouted, making Thomas flinch.

"I hate that baby and I want it to disappear!" Thomas screamed, before running out of the room, crying.

"Wow, great parenting, Jeremy." Spy laughed leaning against the door frame.

"You're one to talk, Dad. I have abandonment issues because of you." Jeremy snapped making Spy rethink his comment.

Jeremy sighed, sitting on the couch with his hands covering his face. You sat down next to him wrapping his hands around him. 

"Calm down, Jeremy." You whispered. "You didn't have to yell at him, he's only 4, it's not like he could have hurt me."

"I know..." Jeremy muttered, feeling like a complete dick.

"Hey," You comforted him placing your hands on his cheeks. "There's candy in the cabinet, go talk to our son."

Jeremy smiled at you before running into the kitchen grabbing the bag of candy and heading into Thomas' room.


It was early in the morning and you were starting breakfast. Ruby had come into the kitchen and opened the cabinet trying to grab cereal from the top shelf. Phoenix glanced over at her ready to ask her if she wanted help when he noticed something on Ruby's side, it looked like ink.

"Ruby, what is that on your side?" He asked.

Ruby immediately pulled down her shirt. 

"It's nothing..." She said nervously backing out of the kitchen.

"No, get back here." You said grabbing her arm. "Show us your side."

Ruby sighed before pulling up her shirt to reveal a giant unicorn tattoo.

"You got a tattoo?!" Phoenix yelled.

"Yeah..." Ruby said hiding it again. "I thought it looked cool."

  "You didn't even ask us first!" Phoenix snapped, angrily.

"I don't need to ask you, I'm almost eighteen!" Ruby shouted. "You're being overdramatic!" 

"I'm not being over-overdramatic. Where did you even get that?!"

"It doesn't matter where I got it. I have it and I'm not getting it removed." Ruby snapped before leaving.

Phoenix sat in silence for a few minutes, before looking up at you, he didn't say anything but you knew what he wanted to say.

"You know this is not the worst thing one of our children has done." You told him. "It's just a tattoo, it's not like she burned down her school and made it look like an accident like Scarlet did."

"I should probably go talk to her."  


You and Ludwig were heading out to dinner for one of your date nights. Unfortunately, Ludwig realized he had forgotten his wallet once you got to the restaurant, so you had to drive home to get it. Once you got back home, you quickly ran into the house to grab Ludwig's wallet for him. As you were walking back outside, you swear you heard talking from Amelie's room. You knew Gilbert was at his friend's house and Amelie shouldn't haven't anyone over. You walked closer to her room, putting your ear to her door, there was no talking but there were some weird noises. You open the door and gasped. There was your daughter, half-naked with a boy in her bed.

"Amelie!" You yelled making the two teens jump.

"Mom, you weren't supposed to be home for hours." She covered herself up.

"Get dressed right now!" You told her before going to get Ludwig.

After going outside and telling Ludwig what was going on, he lost it. It took all the strength you had to keep Ludwig from killing the boy as he dragged him out of the house.

"Vhat Zhe hell vere you zhinking have a boy over!" Ludwig yelled. "And I can't believe you were going to have sex with him."

"Dad, I'm sorry, I-" Amelie tried to talk but Ludwig cut her off.

"I don't vant to hear it, jou are grounded!" 

"Dad, please-"

"Go to your room!" Ludwig yelled.

Amelie started to cry before she ran to her room. Ludwig and You stood with each other in silence, you didn't want to say anything yet and just wait for Ludwig to calm down first. Once he calmed down, Ludwig realized what he just did. Sure he was disappointed in Amelie but he didn't need to yell at her and make her cry. He looked over at you with regret shown all over his face. You moved closer to him and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm such a horrible father..." Ludwig mumbled. 

You pulled away and put your hands on his cheeks making him look at you.

"No, you're not. You just want to protect her." You reassured him. "Let me go talk to her, I'm sure there is a reason for her actions."  


"Daddy?" Rose said poking Mundy's arm.

"Yes, roo?" He said.

"Can I have some candy, please?" The 4-year-old pleaded, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"No, Mommy is making dinner. Maybe if you're good I'll give some afterward." Mundy simply said and sat down on the couch, thinking that conversation was done there.

"But Daddy, I really want candy! I'll eat all my dinner, I promise!"

"Rose, I already said no, dinner is almost ready." He told her.

"But, Daddy I want candy, pleeeeaaaaasse!" She whined, stomping her feet.

"Rose, stop whining. What have Mommy and I told you?"

"I want it now, I want it now!" She yelled stomping her feet again.

Mundy had enough, "Rose, you're in time out." Mundy points to the corner of the room.

"But, Dadd-" 

"No, Rose. You raised your voice at me and you won't listen to me. Now I want you to sit in the corner until dinner is ready." Mundy yelled pointing at the corner again.

Rose frowned and walked over to the corner with her head down. She sat down in the corner, facing the wall.


It was almost midnight and Marinette was still not home. You and Jacques were starting to worry and you paced back and forth thinking that something bad might have happened to her. You froze when the front door opened and Marinette walked in.

"Where were you?! Your curfew was hours ago, Marinette." Jacques snapped.

"Chill out, Dad. It's not a big deal," She said throwing her bag down.

"Don't tell me to chill out, this is a big deal. Your mother and I have been worried sick and we didn't even know where you were!" Jacques shouted.

"I lost track of time, okay? I'm sorry," Marinette explained.

"You're going to be sorry because you're grounded for a month!"

"Come on, Dad, it was an accident! God, why do you have to be such a dictator sometimes," She snapped before running to her and slamming the door behind her.

Jacques sighed looking over at you. "Do you think I was too harsh?"

"Maybe just a bit," You told him. "I mean, I'm upset with her too, but she is right. Marinette has never been late before, I'm sure she didn't mean to be late."

"You're right," Jacques agreed. "I'm going to go apologise to her."

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