Your Child Has A Nightmare

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"Daddy! Wake up!" Thomas said with fear in his voice.

The 3-year-old poked Jeremy's forehead repeatedly, but Jeremy being a bit of a heavy sleep, it didn't work. Thomas then decided to smack Jeremy's head and this time it worked. Jeremy woke up a bit angry and confused, but the minute he saw Thomas with tears running down his face, Jeremy's protective mood turned on.

"Thomas, what's wrong?" He asked rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"I had a nightmare..." Thomas whispered, his little voice shaking slightly.

Jeremy frowned, picking Thomas up and placing him on the bed between the two of you. Jeremy's arms wrapped around Thomas, giving him a hug and telling him everything was going to be okay. The noise and movement finally woke you. 

"Jeremy? Thomas?" You whispered, your voice heavy from sleep.

"He had a nightmare, baby doll," Jeremy explained quietly.

Thomas reached out to you and you moved closer, wrapping your arms around him and Jeremy.

"What was it about, sweetheart?" You asked running your hand through Thomas' hair.

"I had a dream that you and Daddy left me and I was all alone..."

Jeremy frowned and looked over at you, tightening his grip around the two of you. Thomas' fear was something Jeremy was all too familiar with, having the same nightmares about his mom leaving him too when he was a child.

"Thomas, Mommy and I will never, ever leave you alone. We love you so much and we would never want to leave your side." Jeremy reassured him.

"You promise?" He asked looking at Jeremy.



"I promise too, sweetheart." 

Thomas smiled, snuggling up between you and Jeremy, closing his eyes, knowing he was safe in your guys' arms.


"Mommy! Daddy!" Mary screamed, waking up you and Phoenix from your sleep.

"Mary," Phoenix muttered to himself, slipping out of bed and bolting out of your room.

You quickly followed, hot on his heels. Her cries grew louder as you two got close to her room. When you open the door you noticed a lump underneath her sheets and her hands holding the hem of the blanket tight over her head. Phoenix sat on the bed and gently pulled back to the blanket. Mary's small fingers gripped the blanket, crying trying to keep the blanket on her.

"Princess, it's Daddy," He whispered. "It's just Daddy." 

Mary peered out from under the blanket.

"Mommy, get on the bed! The monsters will get you, please Mommy!" She cried frantically.

You knew there were no monsters but you still got on the bed to calm Mary's worries. Phoenix picked Mary up and placed her in his lap.

"It's okay, Mary. It was just a bad dream, there are no monsters." Phoenix whispered running his finger through her hair. "You're stuffed animals come to life when you sleep and they fight them until you wake up. They would never let any monster hurt you."

"What if they fail?!" Mary asked.

"They can never fail, the love you give them is so strong that one punch takes down any monsters." You explained and added to Phoenix's little story.

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